Advice from experienced craftsmen on how to lay a brick wall correctly with your own hands

Creating a brick wall by hand can be a satisfying and affordable way to improve your house. The fundamentals of bricklaying are the same whether you’re building a new addition, a barbecue pit, or a garden wall. A professional finish is achievable with a little perseverance and helpful guidance from seasoned artisans.

We’ll walk you through all the necessary bricklaying steps in this article, from getting your supplies ready to learning the skills required to build a strong and beautiful wall. Everything you need to know will be covered, including how to organize your workspace, make mortar the right way, and lay bricks neatly and evenly.

You’ll acquire the confidence and abilities necessary to successfully complete your bricklaying project by paying attention to these pointers and practicing on your own time. So, gather your resources and let’s begin turning your concepts into a sturdy wall that you will be happy to show off.

When is it worth laying bricks yourself and when not??

Those who have prior masonry experience and are able to use their knowledge to build their own home are typically the ones who first consider building brick walls by hand.

Considerations before you begin:

  1. Climbing walls alone is difficult. It will be necessary to attract assistants, who will still require financial costs.
  2. If you build walls individually, it will take much longer than with the work of experienced craftsmen. According to reviews, this may take several years, depending on the size of the future building.

Installing interior partitions within a house is not the hardest task; you can do it on your own. It is advised to employ professional masons for the construction of load-bearing walls.

The future building owner can get to work if he has experience with masonry, is self-assured, and is willing to give up his personal time for construction.

Things to be aware of before beginning bricklaying work:

  1. You need to be able to read blueprints and have a ready-made house project with calculations. It is recommended to prepare papers with the help of professionals, check the possibility of erecting a building with the involvement of surveyors, and obtain a building permit from the relevant authorities.
  2. Have experience in masonry, know how to build walls depending on their purpose and thickness.
  3. Be able to correctly make markings, know about the principles of the location of thermal and waterproofing.
  4. Know the principles of forming openings for doors and windows.
  5. Know the basics of fire safety and construction safety.

Wall installation will be much easier for people with the requisite knowledge and abilities, and you will be happy with the finished product.

If you’re not experienced in masonry or know nothing about building brick walls, you shouldn’t take on work, and independence comes from wanting to save money alone. The outcome is uncertain and could lead to increased expenses, at the very least.

Rules to consider

SNiP 3.03.01-87, SP 70.13330.2012, and SP 15.13330.2012 outline the fundamental specifications for the brickwork of load-bearing and interior walls. The following guidelines need to be adhered to when constructing walls by hand:

  • the thickness of the joints in vertical masonry should not exceed 12 mm, in horizontal masonry – no more than 10 mm;
  • the thickness of walls, window and door openings cannot deviate from those specified in the project by more than 15 mm (+ or –);
  • the difference in wall heights on different floors cannot exceed 1.2 m;
  • It is not recommended to build the entire wall at once, since the mortar will not have time to harden, and the masonry may move and deform under its own weight, the norm for 1 run is 1-1.5 m of wall height;
  • during construction, every 4-5 rows the strict observance of the geometry of the structure is checked, the permissible deviation when measuring vertically is no more than 15 mm, horizontally – no more than 10 mm (checking is done with a two-meter ruler or a building level);
  • reinforcement of the masonry of internal walls in a building is carried out if the height of the structure exceeds 3 m, length 5 m, and thickness less than 25 cm;
  • Reinforcement of load-bearing walls is carried out without fail every 4-5 rows of masonry; part of the reinforcement, as a rule, is used as a connection between rough and facing masonry;
  • if the location of the interior partitions is known in advance, a brick transition is created at the points where they connect with the load-bearing walls, or flexible connections are formed at a distance of 2 meters in advance, so that later you do not have to ditch the wall;
  • The first row in the masonry is of particular importance; the even position of all subsequent rows depends on the accuracy of the geometry, compliance with the angles, and the size of the seams;
  • the load-bearing wall is installed on the foundation, the partition can only be installed on a solid foundation (part of the foundation, concrete partitions);
  • interior partitions should not be adjacent to the ceiling; it is necessary to leave an opening of 2 cm for unhindered shrinkage of the house;
  • on the ground floor and in rooms where it is planned to use a lot of water (bathroom, kitchen, sauna), waterproofing is laid between the wall and the foundation;
  • the seams in order should not coincide, each row is shifted by ½, ⅓ or ¼ of a brick so that the load is distributed evenly; for this purpose, many types of masonry have been created that differ in appearance.

Avoid breaking the structure’s integrity by not making holes, grooves, or other openings in the completed masonry. This will cause the wall to quickly collapse and disturb the even distribution of weight. Cutting a groove beneath the reinforcement to create flexible connections is the most that can be done.

The project provides for all vents and openings, all of which need to be reinforced. The weight of a brick wall must be considered when selecting the masonry technique and flooring.

Laying the foundation:

  • Before starting work, check the geometric parameters of the existing foundation; if there are any shortcomings, level it;
  • check the diagonals, each corner of the foundation must be 90 degrees, if there are deviations (they are rare and small), fix them, later correct them using masonry (precise markings are carried out first with the axes shifted to the desired angle);
  • create 2 layers of waterproofing, the second should block the joints of the first; roll waterproofing (roofing felt, for example) is used for these purposes;
  • the average time for a concrete foundation to gain strength is 28 days; it is not recommended to wait for frost, since the temperature can cause the foundation of the building to crack (if there is a need for wintering, protection for the concrete is required).

It is advised to moisten the brick before beginning work to prevent it from absorbing moisture from the mortar. In this manner, flaws can be removed and it stays mobile for a while.

If you don’t knead the connecting mixture beforehand, the material will harden. Instead, prepare it as needed. Because of the seasonal price increase, buying materials in the spring and summer is not worthwhile. The best times are towards the end of fall and winter, when sellers lower their markups and demand declines significantly.

Masonry walls should not be started before the middle of spring, when the temperature rises above freezing. It is advisable to finish the work before the first frost because frost causes the solution to lose its properties and deteriorate faster. Use a canopy or film to shield wet walls from precipitation when performing masonry work in dry weather.

What materials will you need??

What you’ll need to build a brick wall yourself is:

  1. Brick (red or silicate). The material is selected based on the type of wall. Various types are suitable for roughing and facing masonry, about which there is information in our other materials. The only caveat: it is recommended to select bricks of the same size so that when creating connections between the walls there is no strong transition.
  2. Solution. It consists of cement, sand and water. A ready-made mixture is also sold that can be used by simply diluting it with water.
  3. Water. For wetting bricks.
  4. Construction gypsum. Can be used to create a solution that is more solid in properties.
  5. Lime. Also added to the mortar to improve its properties, applicable for internal structures and when working with sand-lime brick.
  6. Reinforcing pins or mesh to strengthen the masonry. As an option – flexible metal connections for connecting walls.

It is advised that bricks be selected from domestic producers that ensure the product meets Russian quality standards and is appropriate for the current climate.

What tools are needed?

Use these to build a brick wall:

  • trowel (triangular spatula with a curved handle), for spreading mortar and leveling seams;
  • trowel, a device for forming masonry;
  • hammer-pick, a double-sided tool that is used to tap the brick so that it grips the mortar and aligns with the bottom row;
  • shovel for mixing mortar;
  • container for the solution (for simplicity, you can use a concrete mixer, since the final volume is large);
  • building level, plumb line, mooring beacons, thread, with their help the geometry of the building is checked and the masonry process is controlled;
  • gloves.

Technology for proper construction of structures at home

The initial steps in building a wall are preparatory. For the purpose of future masonry, markings are applied to the leveled and waterproofed surface of the foundation, accounting for interior walls, load-bearing joints, and corners.

Preparing the mixture

After that, the first row is laid out dry to start the process of forming the walls. For the structure to be stable, mortar is only applied to the ends of the bricks. It is advised to apply the solution after verifying that the angles and horizontal lines are accurate because once the first row is laid, the geometry of the entire wall is set.

Solutions types:

  1. Cement-sand. Has high strength, resistant to mechanical damage and moisture.
  2. Cement-lime. Durable, but may not withstand heavy loads. It is easy to install and has durable astringent properties.
  3. Lime. Holds brick well, but not designed for high pressure.

Based on their characteristics, they are differentiated:

  1. Fatty solution. With maximum viscosity. This parameter depends on the amount of water in the solution.
  2. Normal. Medium viscosity.
  3. Skinny. The most liquid, not used for laying walls.

How to come up with a bricklaying solution:

  1. For external walls and load-bearing structures, it is recommended to use a cement-sand mortar of medium fatty or fatty.
  2. Mix cement and sand in a ratio of 1:3. Cement, lime and sand in a ratio of 1:1:6. Cement and lime 1:2.
  3. Dilute the mixture with water to a greasy or normal consistency. For external walls it is recommended to use a greasy solution.

To use the batch before the cement starts to set, you must prepare the connecting mixture in batches.

Forming corners

The construction of the following rows starts at the corners, with the first row being fixed. To ensure that the seams of the first and second rows are not in line with each other, we make four rows in a row (offset). Depending on the wall’s thickness and the mason’s convenience, there are numerous masonry options. Their functional differences do not exist.

At this point, the mason’s primary responsibility is to ensure that diagonals and 90-degree angles are being followed. You can use a thread or building level to accomplish this. The second row will be arranged on a mooring that is pulled between the lower level corners once the accuracy of the masonry has been verified.

Further masonry

The arrangement of the wall space between the corners follows geometrical rules. A mooring must be present, and level masonry must be checked with a two-meter ruler. For novices, it is necessary to check each row both vertically and horizontally; for seasoned artisans, it is sufficient to go through a row.

The seams are kept taut throughout the work; if needed, use ½, ⅓, or ¼ of the brick to ensure that the regulation is followed.

Raising the wall more than 1.6 meters at a time is not advised. You must wait one to two days in between phases to allow the solution to solidify and eliminate any chance of the structure collapsing.

How to seal seams between bricks?

Options for seam sealing:

  • longitudinal – the mortar is laid on the horizontal surface of the brick;
  • transverse – the mortar is placed between the bricks across the row;
  • vertical – mortar between bricks vertically in a row.

Use all available options at once to achieve a strong, long-lasting result and a uniform load on the brick surface. All sides of the brick—aside from the front, which faces the exterior of the wall—are covered in mortar.


Systems for suture dressings:

  1. Single row. The most durable and reliable system that requires the most materials. All even rows here are laid with pokes on the front side of the wall, odd rows with spoons. It will be necessary to chop the material so that the masonry is uniform; ¾ of the brick is used at the corners.
  2. Multi-row or chain. The first row here is placed with pokes on the front side of the wall, then 5-6 rows with spoons offset by ½ brick. Row 7 with pokes, overlapping the seams of the previous spoon row by ¼ brick. Here the vertical longitudinal seams of the spoon rows are not tied, so the masonry is considered to be of medium strength. It has better thermal insulation properties and the material is used more efficiently.

Laying techniques include:

  1. Right in the middle. In the process of forming a row, lay the mortar on the previous row, take the brick in your hand and, with slight pressure, move its edge along the mortar, collecting the mass. When the brick takes its place, the collected mortar by inertia falls into the vertical seam.
  2. Press it in. A brick is placed on a layer of hard mortar, part of the mass is collected with a trowel and pressed with a trowel to the vertical part of the previous element. After the brick takes its place, the trowel is removed with a sharp movement and pressed against the previous element.

Use a special narrow construction spatula known as jointing to create beautiful seams on the front side of the facing masonry. It aids in creating seamless joints and getting rid of extra mortar.

Joint grouting is only done on masonry (such as the outside of a building) that is not intended to have facing material applied to it. It is necessary for the solution to be stronger, look better, and maintain its functions for a longer period of time.

A cement-based mixture that can withstand heat and moisture is used for grouting. The color is tastefully chosen in accordance with the brick’s shade.

How the process works:

  1. The seams inside the masonry must be completely dry. Clean them from small debris and excess using a coarse brush.
  2. Rinse the seams with a hose. This process has a separate advantage – the brick will pick up water and will not pull it out of the grout.
  3. Mix the grout mixture with water to a normal consistency (the recipe is indicated on the package). The mixture is diluted in portions, otherwise it will dry out before application.
  4. Place some of the grout onto a large spatula. Press it with its edge against the wall where the seams are. Use a narrow spatula to take the solution little by little and distribute it evenly using pressing movements.
  5. It is more convenient to fill vertical seams if the mass lies in the palm of your hand.
  6. Then use a brush to remove excess material from the wall surface.

For grouting, a construction gun filled with a mixture can also be used.

Although building a brick wall by yourself can seem intimidating, you can achieve professional results if you get the right guidance from seasoned craftsmen. This article offers helpful, detailed instructions on everything from choosing the appropriate supplies to learning the fundamentals of properly laying bricks. These professional building tips will assist you in creating a strong, straight, and aesthetically pleasing brick wall, regardless of your level of experience with do-it-yourself projects.

Common mistakes and their consequences

What you should be aware of:

  1. When forming masonry, be sure to use a mooring cord. He directs the master to ensure that the rows are even horizontally. In its absence, the process moves much slower; you have to check the horizontal line more often using a ruler and a building level.
  2. When the brick is placed on the mortar and takes its place, it should be leveled with one, maximum two movements and light tapping on the surface. If you move and align the element several times, the solution will separate and most of it will be squeezed out of the seam. As a result, the connection will be lost and the masonry will have to be redone.
  3. Be sure to check deviations not only horizontally, but also vertically. To do this, use a plumb line or a two-meter ruler. If the difference is greater than permissible, the wall may not withstand the load from the floors.
  4. The dressing must be of high quality, ½, ⅓ of the brick, otherwise the structure will lose strength.
  5. There is no need to rush when filling the seams. The mortar must tightly fill the space between the bricks, otherwise the house will turn out cold. It is recommended for a novice mason to lay the cement mass separately for each brick.
  6. The masonry must be clean, excess is removed in a timely manner, especially for cladding. Later, when finishing work begins, the excess solution will interfere and more effort will be required to eliminate it than if it had been done while it was fresh.

It is forbidden to make openings in the completed masonry if the project does not call for openings and openings in the wall. only in the course of design.

Pros and cons of self-installation


  • confidence in quality;
  • budget savings;
  • resource management (you choose your own time, buy materials at your own discretion);
  • individual style that you can create with your own hands;
  • personal development, acquiring new skills;
  • satisfaction and pride in the result.


  • the project must be feasible, one that can be implemented independently;
  • there is a dependence on prices and seasonality (in a project with hired employees, as a rule, fixed prices);
  • it takes a lot of free time to complete construction;
  • if an independent builder is a beginner, the quality of the masonry may vary.
Advice Details
Prepare the base Ensure the foundation is level and clean before starting.
Use a guide Set up a string line to maintain straight and level rows.
Mix mortar properly Mix to the right consistency for good adhesion and workability.
Start with corners Build corner leads first and then fill in the wall between them.
Check alignment Use a level and plumb line frequently to keep the wall straight and vertical.
Cut bricks carefully Use a chisel or brick saw to make precise cuts for a neat finish.
Maintain joint thickness Keep mortar joints consistent, typically 10mm thick.
Clean as you go Remove excess mortar from bricks to avoid stains and achieve a cleaner look.
Work in manageable sections Build the wall in stages to avoid mistakes and ensure quality.
Protect the wall Cover the wall from rain and sun until the mortar sets.

DIY brick wall construction can be gratifying and useful, particularly if you take the guidance of skilled artisans. With their advice, you can steer clear of typical blunders and guarantee that your wall is sturdy, level, and aesthetically beautiful.

Using the appropriate tools and laying a strong foundation is the first step. The foundation of the wall is created by precisely placing the first course of bricks and properly mixing your mortar. To prevent further problems, take your time completing this step.

Don’t forget to maintain the wall plumb and level as you construct. Regularly use a spirit level and make necessary adjustments. This meticulous care will pay off, giving the structural integrity and polished look of your wall.

Remember to leave uniform mortar gaps and stagger the joints. This improves the wall’s aesthetic appeal in addition to strengthening it. As you proceed, remove any extra mortar to maintain a neat and polished finish.

And lastly, put safety first at all times. Use the proper protective gear and handle materials with caution. You can successfully construct a long-lasting, elegant brick wall with perseverance and attention to detail.

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Fedor Pavlov

Interior designer, author of books on residential design. I will help you make your home not only functional, but also beautiful.

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