Because of its affordability, ease of maintenance, and durability, linoleum is a popular choice for flooring. But over time, heavy furniture, high heels, and other impacts can dent even the hardest linoleum. These dents may be unsightly and detract from your floor’s polished appearance.
Thankfully, dents in linoleum can be removed with easy-to-use techniques that bring back its original beauty. There are ways to restore the original appearance of your floor, regardless of the severity of the marks or minor impressions. We’ll look at a few simple methods in this post to remove those ugly dents.
We’ll go over everything from commonplace methods like using a towel and a hair dryer to more sophisticated methods like using a linoleum roller. You can handle these methods on your own and save money because they are simple to follow and don’t require professional assistance. Let’s explore these doable ideas for a linoleum floor that is smoother and free of dents.
- What it is?
- Causes of traces
- Is it possible to fix?
- Remedies
- Heavy load
- Introducing glue under the coating
- Hot hair dryer
- Hot iron
- Boiling water
- Laying with a defect in a new way
- Using the patch
- Creating decor
- How to choose the right method?
- Prevention
- Video on the topic
- Leveling linoleum jam using a hairdryer
- Linoleum with dents, how to remove dents with boiling water.
- Repairing Linoleum with an Iron from Bubbles, Stretch Marks, Dents!
- removing dents in linoleum using an iron
- How to remove waves from linoleum. Practical solution
- How to remove dents on linoleum
- How to patch a hole in linoleum in 15 seconds? Expenses – 100 rubles!
What it is?
One potential flaw in linoleum that can arise from incorrect, negligent application of this coating is a dent. It draws attention because it appears to be an uneven depression that compromises the consistency and integrity of the linoleum’s texture. The appearance of this flaw "loses" the room’s overall interior design.
Causes of traces
Heavy furniture with thin, sharp legs—especially metal ones—is one of the most frequent sources of ugly dents on linoleum.
At installation sites, a significant load is dispersed over few points, pushing through the coating with great force. The locations where the legs were will have visible and noticeable dents that will persist after moving this furniture (during its rearrangement, interior changes).
This can occur from regularly using large, heavy chairs and armchairs (especially roller chairs), as well as from stationary furniture. When someone sits down or gets up from a seat, they frequently move furniture, which can cause multiple dent appearances at once. The linoleum here becomes unkempt in appearance.
A dent may develop from the thin, sharp heels of women’s shoes or from an iron or speaker that falls on the floor by accident, a large children’s toy (a plywood box, a large vase), or a heavy and sharp object.
If the floor base was not properly prepared before linoleum was laid, and there are imperfections, cracks, holes, or potholes, a dent may form. The linoleum will "fall through" these voids and irregularities during use, creating dents.
Additionally, you should be aware that thin linoleum is more prone to different kinds of flaws. Linoleum comes in three primary varieties: semi-commercial, commercial, and household. Commercial linoleum is used in industrial spaces and is the most resistant to dents and damage.
Installed in apartments and other residential buildings, household linoleum has the lowest dents resistance. The best option is thought to be the semi-commercial one because of its superior resistance to defects and abrasion. It will prevent these issues from happening if used properly.
Even premium linoleum (on a foam base or on a felt backing) can "get" a dent if used incorrectly or handled carelessly with sharp, heavy tools or objects.
Without professional assistance, linoleum dent removal is an easy process that can restore the appearance of your floor. Using a damp cloth over the dent and gently ironing it, heating the area with a hairdryer and then smoothing it out, or gradually flattening the dent with heavy objects are common techniques. These methods are simple to use and most likely already include items you already own, so anyone can easily and quickly fix small flooring problems.
Is it possible to fix?
It is still possible to remove the resulting defect, which appears as a dent on the linoleum. All you have to do is assess the amount and level of compression and select the best restoration option.
If the coating was just placed without glue on a base with fixation on baseboards, on double-sided tape, or on an adhesive base, it could be fixed as long as the glue was only applied sparingly rather than all over the surface.
If there is heavy-duty glue used to firmly adhere the linoleum to the base, it will be extremely difficult or even impossible to repair a dent.
With common household tools, items, and gadgets, you can use a variety of mechanical or thermal methods to remove dents from linoleum. While the thermal method of restoration heats the linoleum’s surface to change and rebuild the structure of the "broken" area and restore its original appearance, the mechanical method "forces" the linoleum to return to its previous state by applying pressure from above a heavy load.
Heavy load
An option to remove small to medium-sized dents mechanically.
Any heavy object wider than the dent’s diameter will be necessary for the task:
- heavy book;
- 1-3 packs of salt or granulated sugar (placed on top of each other);
- massive iron;
- an even, smooth wooden block;
- saucepan, can or 3-liter jar filled with water.
A weight or a round weight disk (pancake) would be the best option for the load if you have sporting goods in your home.
Sharp edges that protrude from a heavy object should be avoided as they will "imprint" on the linoleum surface while in use.
The following is the order:
- The dent area is carefully “leveled” with your fingers,.
- Then lay a soft napkin, and carefully place a weight on it.
- In this position, the defective place with cargo should remain from several hours to 1-3 days.
- Then the weight is removed. The dent should completely disappear, the coating will take an even shape.
- simple and accessible;
- without financial costs;
- the method is effective for small and medium dents;
- Maximum functionality on soft linoleum with felt or on a coating with a foam base.
Neither glue nor knives are needed for the method to function, making it entirely safe.
- not suitable for removing large dents;
- does not work on hard linoleum;
- thin linoleum cannot always be restored using this method.
The load applied to the dent during the "treating" process could injure you and cause you to trip, fall, etc.
Introducing glue under the coating
When a dent has developed as a result of the uneven concrete slab base and the defect takes on "expressive forms" while the coating is in operation, a different mechanical method is selected.
For reconstruction, cold welding adhesive will be needed. To prevent the linoleum from being ruined by the squeezed-out glue, the defected area is taped shut.
A needle is used to puncture the middle of the dent (on the spout of a glue tube), and "cold welding" is then applied beneath the linoleum until the deformation site is level and horizontal. This will indicate that the concrete slab’s void has been fully filled with glue. The repair site is free of the tape. Hold off until the glue dries completely.
- for minor defects;
- When dry, this glue does not leave a mark;
- the dent filled with glue disappears, a monolithic and single canvas appears.
In five minutes, fix.
- not for large dents;
- you need to buy special glue.
Never let glue come into contact with the surface of the linoleum.
Hot hair dryer
Thermal technique employing a heavy roller and a hair dryer. The linoleum surface becomes more elastic and pliable as soon as the hair dryer is turned on because it heats up quickly.
A large roller is continuously rolled over the defect site at the same time. This is a long process that takes at least thirty to sixty minutes of diligent attention to detail.
- the use of heat helps the linoleum take its original shape faster;
- the hairdryer method is more effective; it is chosen if the previous ones did not correct the situation;
- no need to spend money.
- continuity of work is required;
- if the defect does not disappear after elimination, a more effective restoration method should be used.
Not appropriate for deep dents.
Hot iron
An additional thermal option to remove dents from linoleum. In order to work, you’ll need:
- heated iron;
- soft fabric folded in several thick layers;
- roller;
- and ammonia.
The cloth is first dampened with ammonia and positioned, folded, over the defect to prevent melting of the coating. Iron the cloth for a short while using a hot iron. After that, they take it off, carefully remove the fabric (you should wear gloves because it’s hot), and use a roller to smooth the affected area. Repeat steps one through three as needed.
- the method is more effective than the previous ones;
- often it is enough just to smooth out the dent with an iron, and it is restored, without using a roller;
- minimum time for work.
- there will be a pungent smell of ammonia in the room during work – you should wear a mask, open the window or door;
- When using a hot iron, you can get burned due to negligence.
Not all linoleum types are heat-resistant.
Experts advise using a hot iron with the "STEAM" option activated while working to maximize the benefits of thermal restoration.
Boiling water
A unique thermal technique for straightening a dent using boiling water from a kettle is shared by some forum users.
This can be used to repair dents up to one centimeter in size. After pouring boiling water into this spot and letting the "puddle" warm up the dent for a short while, the deformation is stretched outward with a cloth or your hands. Repeat multiple times.
Positives: quick, easy, and efficient.
Cons: limited to minor dents.
Furthermore in the video:
Laying with a defect in a new way
They resort to drastic measures, such as laying the old linoleum "in a new way," when the dent is too large or there are already tears, and an obvious defect is just an eyesore, ruining the mood and appearance of the coating.
When a room is a standard size and has the right geometry—square, rectangular, round, etc.—without any protrusions, etc., the coating is carefully taken apart, as long as it is only affixed to the baseboards using glue.
When the canvas is rotated (from one wall to another), the defect might already be under the furniture or in the "invisible zone." This will be a practical way to get rid of the flaw.
- no need to buy new coating – saving money;
- Skirting boards are removed using tools – simply and quickly;
- linoleum is removed from the base of the floor, which is cleaned of possible dust;
- the covering is re-laid in a new way, the baseboards are fixed.
- it will take time to work;
- it is necessary to remove all furniture and equipment from the premises;
- not suitable for glued linoleum;
- if the room has a non-standard geometry, then it will not be possible to lay the old linoleum “differently” – non-closed areas will appear.
When figuring out how to move the canvas to the other side of the room, it might turn out that the dent will remain visible. Thus, this approach is ineffective.
Using the patch
You will need to install a patch if the dent is significant or if numerous similar defects are present in one area (from a chair or roller chair, for example). In order to work, you’ll need:
- measuring tape;
- knife;
- Double-sided tape;
- "cold welding";
- equal-sized new piece of linoleum.
The choice of color and pattern should aim for maximum matching.
Cut out the dent with a sharp knife. In its place, a piece is placed under the patch, and precisely adjusted to size. Fixed to the base of the floor with double-sided tape (bottom). Next, using “cold welding” for linoleum, the main fabric and patch are processed along all joints. Excess glue is removed, the repair area can be reinforced with a weight (through fabric). After the glue hardens, the seams will be completely invisible.
Before applying “cold welding” to the butt seam, it is covered with masking tape and slightly cut in the center (to introduce the adhesive base into the seams). This will protect the edges of the linoleum from excess glue, which will ruin the coating.
- if repaired correctly, you will get a monolithic and beautiful canvas;
- the previous decorative appearance is restored;
- minimal expenditure of funds – only for glue, tape.
Cold welding ensures the patch’s durability and tightness while remaining completely undetectable.
- the method is possible if you have a spare piece of linoleum;
- you need to carefully cut out the patch and match it to the pattern;
- if the canvas is tightly glued to the base, then repair can be difficult – it is not always possible to "separate" the deformed area from the floor without damaging the main canvas.
The linoleum may melt if "cold welding" is applied carelessly and gets on the surface.
Creating decor
"Grandmother’s" method is the simplest way to remove a dent from linoleum. Sometimes the defect can be easily "decorated" and replaced because it is located in a convenient place:
- carpet or carpet;
- a rug or a small “status” rug;
- place a spectacular large vase;
- install a decorative flower stand;
- place a floor lamp or a floor clock-cabinet.
You can cover the defect near the window area with curtains that fall gracefully to the floor.
How to choose the right method?
One of the following appropriate and most efficient methods should be selected when deciding how to remove a dent from linoleum:
- if the dent is in such an area that it can simply be “camouflaged” – it is decorated;
- minor small dents are “treated” mechanically using a heavy weight or glue;
- if the defect is more significant, then resort to the thermal method – with a hot hair dryer or water, or an iron;
- if the damage is significant and numerous, the right decision would be to create a patch – provided that a suitable piece of linoleum is available;
- when the dent cannot be restored by any of the listed methods, and there is no suitable piece of linoleum for patching, they choose the option of laying linoleum “in a new way”.
It is important to keep in mind that replacing linoleum that is solely affixed to the floor’s base with plinths, tape, or spot glue will be considerably simpler than replacing a canvas that is fully glued.
You can take the following precautions to stop dents from developing on linoleum surfaces:
- When purchasing furniture, give preference to models that have wide legs and a large area of contact with the floor. This significantly reduces the overall load from furniture on the floor and linoleum.
- When installing furniture, equipment and household appliances on linoleum, you need to fix special pads (made of soft felt or silicone, rubber) on their legs. They are sold in stores.
- To ensure that the linoleum surface has maximum protection for a long time, it is treated with special products that contain wax and durable mastics. As a result, after treatment, a damage-resistant protective layer is formed on the surface of the linoleum.
- When cleaning, you should not use detergents for linoleum with too aggressive ingredients that have a destructive effect on the material.
Pets that have sharp claws and can seriously harm the coating in an apartment or cottage should be trained to use scratching posts that are placed in a designated area. You can trim or apply specialty caps to your claws.
Although soft linoleum is more prone to deformation, it is simpler to remove dents from its surface. Hard, dense linoleum resists dents better, but once a dent is present, it is more challenging to remove.
Method | Description |
Using a Hair Dryer | Warm the dented area with a hair dryer, then gently press it back into shape with your fingers or a cloth. |
Applying Hot Water | Place a damp cloth over the dent and pour hot water onto the cloth. Let it sit for a few minutes, then remove the cloth and smooth the area. |
Using an Iron | Cover the dent with a damp cloth and run a warm iron over it, pressing lightly. This can help to lift the dent. |
Heavy Objects | Place a heavy object, like a book or furniture, on the dent for a few days to help flatten it out. |
Professional Repair Kit | Use a repair kit specifically designed for linoleum, following the instructions to fix the dent. |
Your linoleum flooring can be repaired without having to be a difficult undertaking. There are workable ways to return your floor to its former appearance, regardless of what caused the dent—a heavy piece of furniture or a straightforward mishap. Every method—from applying ice to using heat—offers a simple fix that you can attempt at home.
Heat and pressure combined can be very effective for smaller dents. The linoleum can be made to regain its shape by heating the area with a hairdryer and then applying pressure with a heavy object. An ice cube can also be used to help the material contract and pull back into place in deeper dents. To prevent doing more harm, always use these techniques with gentleness and patience.
It is equally crucial to prevent dents as it is to fix them. If you have heavy furniture, you may want to use furniture pads or move it carefully to prevent damaging your linoleum. Maintaining the best possible appearance for your flooring will largely depend on careful use and routine maintenance.
You may easily manage and prevent dents in your linoleum flooring by comprehending and putting these fundamental techniques into practice. By doing this, you prolong the life of your floors and preserve their aesthetic appeal. Your linoleum can continue to be gorgeous and smooth for many years with a little upkeep.