Construction of a strip foundation for a frame house

Establishing a robust base is essential for any building endeavor, particularly for a frame home. Because of its ease of use and ability to offer sturdy support, a continuous footing, sometimes referred to as a strip foundation, is a preferred option. By being aware of the steps and specifications involved in building a strip foundation, you can make sure your frame home is built to last.

We will guide you through the necessary procedures and factors to take into account when constructing a strip foundation for a frame home in this article. Every step of the process, from site preparation and trench excavation to concrete installation and adequate drainage, is essential to the foundation’s overall stability and longevity.

Knowing the proper methods and supplies to use will make the process go more smoothly and effectively, regardless of your level of experience as a builder or DIY enthusiast. You can create a strong foundation that will support your frame house for many years by adhering to these recommendations.

Step Description
1. Planning Determine the size and location of the foundation based on house plans.
2. Excavation Dig a trench to the required depth and width for the foundation.
3. Formwork Build wooden forms to shape the concrete.
4. Reinforcement Place rebar inside the forms for added strength.
5. Pouring Concrete Mix and pour concrete into the forms, ensuring even distribution.
6. Curing Allow the concrete to set and cure for the recommended time.
7. Removing Formwork Carefully remove the

A continuous concrete base is created during the construction of a strip foundation for a frame house, guaranteeing stability and uniform weight distribution. This kind of foundation is a popular option for frame house projects because of its ease of use, affordability, and durability. A sturdy foundation that can endure a variety of environmental conditions requires careful planning, excavation, reinforcement, and concrete pouring.

Features of the base

A base like this is made up of interlocking blocks that are joined together with a cement and sand mixture. The building’s load-bearing structures are all supported by strip foundations. The structure’s primary purpose is to transfer loads evenly to the ground frame house.


The width of the tape is designed to be 10 centimeters wider than the thickness of the walls.

It is strictly prohibited for the frame to protrude beyond the building’s supporting base. Determine the concrete block base width by performing some basic calculations.

The reinforcement frame is calculated concurrently. The cross-sectional area of the base has an impact on the belt’s overall diameter.

Use 10–14 mm diameter rods and arrange them along the blocks. Transverse reinforcement is positioned in both the vertical and horizontal planes to guarantee the rods’ joint operation. For it, thinner rods with a diameter of 6 to 10 mm are used.

The tape shouldn’t have any vertical seams. Concrete is layered horizontally when immediate filling is not possible.

Terms of Use

For the construction of a frame house on a site with a tranquil topography, a shallow version of a strip foundation is appropriate.

Applying it to non-flowing clays, rocks, and coarse sands makes sense. It is advised to place the tape on the piles, on top of which a grillage is constructed, when the soil has a tendency to heave and become moist.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of an ongoing "tape" include:

  • high reliability;
  • low cost;
  • windproof base;
  • conventional construction technology.

Drawbacks related to this foundation:

  • it is problematic to construct it on a site with sloping terrain;
  • increased requirements for the manufacture of formwork;
  • the impossibility of erecting a foundation without the help of a team of workers;
  • To deliver concrete you need to order special transport.


It is advisable that you become acquainted with the specifications for this kind of foundation before deciding to build a strip foundation.

In this regard, the following guidelines and rules will be beneficial:

  • construction actions required when creating reinforced concrete foundations are described by GOST 13580-85;
  • standards relating to building foundations are determined by SNIP;
  • a document containing standards for the construction of enclosing and load-bearing buildings is called SNIP 3.03.01-87;
  • all other requirements for the construction of foundations are present in the SNIP 3 document.02.01-87.

There will never be a need for you to worry about the construction project’s guaranteed reliability if you strictly adhere to the listed documents.

Dimensions and depth of the tape

Frame homes don’t require a deeper foundation because they are lightweight. Sustaining a size of 0.4–0.7 m is sufficient.

A different strategy is needed when building in a northern climate where there is heavy soil freezing.

According to a formula, the foundation’s base needs to be three quarters of a meter below the soil’s seasonal freezing point.

In cases where a basement is to be constructed beneath a structure, recessed foundations are also employed. The concrete ribbon turns into its walls in this case.

Laying the foundation less than 2.5 meters below the soil’s surface is not advised. Columnar supports are a foundation option that can be used in place of a strip foundation if there are stronger earth layers beneath the surface.

Building frames are fastened over the strapping that is on the tape. It is constructed from either reinforced concrete beams or wooden beams. The concrete structure is widened in order to strengthen the structure. The width of the tape is increased to a maximum of half a meter when the frame is intended to be faced with brick.

The foundation’s dimensions are normally between 0.6 and 1.2 meters because its height must be at least twice as wide as its width during construction.

Step-by-step instructions and DIY installation diagram

Building a solid strip foundation, which supports a frame house, should go through the following stages:

  1. Marking of the foundation. After preparing all the necessary materials, working tools, it is necessary to mark the building, determining the location of the facades and walls. It is necessary to clearly understand where the foundation is to be poured. At the same time, it is necessary to calculate its dimensions. After the calculation is completed, mark the outlines of the foundation on the ground. Use pegs with a rope for work. Immediately mark a line that is approximately 10 cm larger than the dimensions of the load-bearing walls. immediately check that the corners are right. It is more convenient to do this with a laser measurer, although many simply measure and then compare the diagonals. The completion of this stage is digging a trench half a meter deep. At the bottom, they fill it up and compact it, pouring water on the sand cushion.
  2. Waterproofing foundation. First of all, you need to lay waterproofing along the side planes of the trench. Traditionally, roofing felt is used as it, although it has a significant drawback – after a couple of years the material begins to peel off, so you have to repeat the process of protecting the foundation from moisture. New technologies suggest using Penetron by adding it directly to the concrete mixture. This product will make the foundation permanently impermeable to groundwater.
  3. Formwork installation. Vertically edged five-centimeter boards are mounted on top of the waterproofing. It is better to knock down boards from the inside, directing the nails outward. No gaps should be left between the boards. It is customary to use coniferous wood for formwork, although sometimes alder or aspen are also used. The boards must be dry, their maximum length is 150 cm. The formwork rises a third of a meter above the ground surface.
  4. Reinforcement. The reinforcement is placed inside the finished formwork, having previously removed dirt and rust from it. The rods are tied with wire. It is more convenient to knit it with an automatic gun, although ordinary pliers are also suitable. Approximately 5 cm of the reinforcing zone at the top is left without a metal frame to guarantee a full coating with concrete mesh.
  5. Concreting. When the preparatory work is completed, the formwork begins to pour a concrete solution inside. For its preparation, cement M300, coarse sand, crushed stone and water are necessary. It is recommended to add plasticizers that provide the finished foundation belt with additional strength. The consistency of the concrete mixture is obliged to resemble a thick sour cream with a look – not its slurry and not dry.

The stages of building a tape foundation for a frame house are depicted in the diagram: The solution for the concrete mixture is made in a concrete mixer or bought from the business. When building it yourself, add water after adding bulk materials to the apparatus.

After the completed solution is poured, it is leveled inside the formwork. The amount of mixture is substantial, so multiple passes are made, with a maximum of one break per day. The behavior of the uncooled monolith must be continuously observed.

One kind of mass compactor is a vibrator. It assists in eliminating air bubbles, which stops pores from forming in the monolith. To stop cracks from forming after the foundation sets, it is covered with film or another waterproof material.

The mixture takes about two days to harden, but it will take a month for the foundation to reach its ultimate strength.

After pouring the foundation for a residential building, you must start setting up a strip foundation for the bathhouse if you wish to construct it concurrently with the house.

Tips and mistakes

If you choose to construct a frame house on your own, you shouldn’t get started right away. Start by reading the required literature, talking to your friends who are builders, and finding out all the subtleties of this experience from friends who have experienced similar life stages.

Continue to adhere to the plan, avoiding typical blunders:

  1. Most often, builders do poor compaction of the sand backfill, which causes it to settle.
  2. Often, home-grown craftsmen use the wrong brand of concrete to save money. Sometimes unscrupulous suppliers bring low-quality materials. Professionals recommend always ordering heavier concrete – if the project specifies M200, it is better to use M250. Their cost does not vary much, but there is a chance that the purchased material will provide the required strength.
  3. Homeowners are looking to cut costs by ignoring base waterproofing. This is wrong, since this action will significantly reduce the service life of the foundation.

Useful video

Watch the video to learn everything there is to know about installing a strip foundation for a frame home.

For a frame house, constructing a strip foundation is an essential step in guaranteeing the longevity and stability of the building. You can build a sturdy and dependable foundation for your house by following the right procedures and using the appropriate materials.

Planning ahead and carrying out the task precisely are essential throughout. Every step of the process, from choosing the location and preparing the ground to pouring the concrete and making sure it cures properly, calls for close attention to detail. By omitting certain steps or using inferior materials, the integrity of the foundation and eventually the house can be jeopardized.

Keep in mind that the purpose of local building codes and regulations is to provide guidance and guarantee safety. Speaking with experts

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Milan Yashina

Design engineer, specialist in development of design documentation. I will help you correctly design your home or other building.

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