Correct installation of sewerage for shower

When installing a shower stall, the sewer pipeline must have a consistent slope of two to three percent to the riser. Under the shower tray, there ought to be a siphon—a water seal that uses a water plug to shut off the sewer and stop gases from the pipeline from entering the space. Concerns about the pallet’s height, floor leveling, and where to put this water seal frequently come up. The construction and placement of a water seal, level selection, and other aspects of designing a shower sewer system…

Floor height of the room with shower

The floor of the shower stall (tray) should be at least 12 to 20 centimeters higher if a water seal and sewage pipeline are installed above the floor slab. The pallet’s sides are raised even higher from the ground in this instance.

Apart from the traditional water seals with a big water plug height of 10 to 20 cm, there are also compact shower drains that are 5 to 8 cm high and made to be embedded in the proper thickness of subfloor (screed). In this instance, the screed is used to seal the drain’s perimeter before the shower flooring is installed.

How to position the shower tray

However, users are occasionally dissatisfied with the price of the screed and the shower drain (roughly 50.f), so they install a basic shower tray or shower stall along with a standard water seal. The shower tray in this instance can be placed as follows:

– on a platform that is the proper height, and the shower’s entrance will take the shape of a tall step with a side.

-An additional option is to level the sides of the pallet or lower their height by creating a high raised floor, or screed, that is approximately 15 cm thick throughout the entire space. This would conceal a pipeline that has a siphon.

Disadvantages of Raising Shower Floors

The aforementioned options have certain disadvantages, which is why most owners are not happy with them. It is deemed inconvenient to have a high step and high pallet sides that require you to step over; for many, this is a deciding factor. The visible sewer pipeline, which typically runs along the walls from the platform with the pallet, does not help the situation either.

It’s terrible, but it does happen occasionally: laying a screed that is too thick for the entire space requires a lot of work, money, and isn’t always feasible in terms of weight.

Considering the room’s high relative humidity and the potential for leaks and mold growth, raising the floor with cut sheets and boards is also not the best option.

While tiling over a waterproofed screed with a drain is a contemporary solution, it is not universally applicable and is not inexpensive.

Placement of sewer pipeline under the ceiling

If the sewage pipeline and siphon are positioned beneath the floor slab, the aforementioned issues are resolved. The shower’s vertical drain pipe is connected to a siphon and goes through a hole in the ceiling. The shower tray in this instance can sit directly on the slab, and the room’s floor screed can partially level the sides of the tray. As it happens, there is a pallet set into the raised floor and recessed into the screed.

The pipeline is concealed behind the first floor’s ceiling cladding from the bottom of the floor slab. or is concealed—possibly not—in a technical room in the basement. Experts most frequently suggest this option for installing a sewer pipeline for a low-cost shower.

Availability of sewerage for maintenance

The following are some possible locations for the pan and sewer pipeline, as well as the siphon and these pipes:

  • accessible for maintenance if located under a platform with a hatch, or in a basement technical room;
  • not accessible for maintenance – if they are embedded in a screed, located under a false floor or sewn from below with a false ceiling.

The top grille must be removed in order to service the shower drain.

The siphon and pipeline are subject to additional requirements that must be fulfilled if the sewerage system is unable to be serviced.

If the shower siphon cannot be serviced

A standard shower and drain siphon is a foldable item that needs to be disassembled and cleaned on a regular basis if it becomes clogged with sediment. The pipeline itself is 50 mm in diameter, made mostly of plastic, assembled from component pieces, and sealed with rubber cuffs.

When servicing the sewage pipeline is not feasible, it is advised to use a U-shaped siphon with 45- or 90-degree angles. In the first scenario, the siphon’s overall height will be twice as low as it is in the second, and the water will dry out in it more quickly—between two and three months. In addition to using corners, a specific type of curved pipe can be used to create water seals that do not impede the flow of debris.

Questions regarding the installation of shower siphons

A water seal that is constructed with corners or a U-shaped pipe requires no maintenance because it is a curved pipe that shouldn’t trap deposits. These products have shown to be dependable options. Nonetheless, it is imperative to guarantee a favorable resolution to two concerns:

-Will poorly maintained siphons become clogged?

-Will there be a leak from the pipeline that cannot be reached, and will the rubber cuff sealing at the joints be dependable throughout the operation.

Let’s examine these issues’ solutions in more detail.

How to clean a maintenance-free water seal (siphon)

Siphon (hydraulic seal) for concealed installation; able to move the majority of sediments down the sewer. That is, nothing will linger in a pipe that is smooth but curved. The coarse sand and gravel are the only exceptions. However, the flow of gravel and sand in the shower is usually too little.

However, if the unserviceable tees siphon becomes clogged with sand due to the presence of grease, it can be easily cleared using the most basic water hammer method, which involves placing a rag or plunger over the water’s drain hole. or by using hot water pressure washing, if possible. Cleaning procedure for a shower siphon:

-Put the shower hose into the drain hole, cover it with a cloth, and activate the water supply to its maximum. This technique makes it simple to remove sand from a siphon with angles between 38 and 50 mm.

It is best to have hot water available in order to pre-fill a drain cleaner or to quickly soften fats.

How to prevent leaks from plastic sewer pipes

Although the joints are normally sealed with rubber cuffs, a corner siphon and the plastic sewer pipeline as a whole could potentially leak. In actuality, though, this is uncommon. The rubber may eventually dry out, especially in areas where it has been improperly shaped. It’s also feasible for pipes to distort more as a result of bending with shear at the joints. In any case, it is preferable to increase the leak-resilience of the pipes and siphons that won’t be accessible.

The best practice is to cover the pipe joints and the siphon from the tees with a sealed, waterproof casing.

It’s simple: use electrical tape or a comparable substance on glue, like "Moment," to wrap the siphon and other joints in a few layers.

-Adding a heat-shrinkable pipe is an additional choice. Specifically, three short sections of pipe with dimensions of 70 mm before shrinkage and 25 mm after shrinkage are required for a U-shaped siphon. To ensure that they cover all joints and one another, they must be placed on the tee one at a time and heated using a building hair dryer.

It is essential to install a suitable sewage system for your shower in order to avoid leaks, clogs, and bad smells. You can follow these instructions to make sure your shower drains properly and complies with plumbing codes. You can steer clear of typical pitfalls and guarantee a trouble-free, seamless installation that will last for years by following these instructions.

As a result, the joints will be more reliable, allowing the shower’s sewer pipeline to be concealed behind an impermeable finish or monolithic.

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Timur Kiselev

Professional builder with 15 years of experience. I know everything about the construction of houses, cottages, bathhouses and other buildings. I will be happy to share my knowledge and experience with you.

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