How and how to quickly level the floor under linoleum with your own hands?

For a polished finish when installing linoleum in your house, make sure the floor is level and smooth. Fortunately, with a little do-it-yourself work and the appropriate supplies, leveling a floor under linoleum can be accomplished successfully. Here’s how to create a level surface so your linoleum installs smoothly.

First, give the floor a thorough cleaning to get rid of any dust, debris, or outdated adhesive before beginning the leveling process. In order to improve the leveling compound’s adhesion, this step guarantees a clean surface.

Next, look for any holes, cracks, or uneven patches in the floor. To hide these flaws, apply a suitable filler. Let the filler completely dry before moving forward.

It is now time to combine the self-leveling compound and apply it. Pay close attention to the mixing ratios and application methods specified in the manufacturer’s instructions. Usually, you use a trowel or gauge rake to evenly spread the compound after pouring it onto the floor.

Use a spiked roller to ensure a smooth finish and get rid of any air bubbles after applying the compound. This instrument aids in uniformly leveling the compound’s floor.

Finally, give your linoleum enough time to dry in accordance with the product’s instructions before installing it. By doing this, you can be sure that the floor is perfectly level and prepared to hold your new flooring material.

You can use a simple method to quickly and efficiently level a floor under linoleum on your own. Start by giving the current floor a thorough cleaning to get rid of any dust or debris. Next, fill in any gaps, cracks, or uneven areas with an appropriate leveling compound or self-leveling underlayment product. Using a trowel, evenly distribute the compound over the floor to create a smooth, level surface. Before laying the linoleum, give the drying process enough time as directed by the manufacturer. By handling the job on your own, this do-it-yourself method not only guarantees a level foundation for your linoleum flooring but also reduces installation expenses.

Is alignment necessary??

The linoleum does not need to be leveled if the base is perfectly flat or if there are tiny height variations that do not exceed 0.1–0.5 mm. All that has to be done is get it ready for flooring. If required, this also includes waterproofing and priming.

If there is significant unevenness, all of the rough foundation preparation steps will need to be completed. You just need to use a screed to cover the surface if it’s concrete. When it comes to wood, OSB or plywood boards will work just fine.

Why is it important to prepare correctly??

The PVC flooring’s longevity and integrity will be impacted by this process. The linoleum may get creases when the base shifts, detracting from the interior’s beauty and aesthetics.

Methods for different types of bases

Under linoleum, there are two different kinds of bases:

As a result, depending on the kind of rough coating, there may be different options for producing a smooth surface.

Methods for doing it:

  • Small differences of up to 1-2.5 mm can be leveled using tile adhesive, scraping (for wood), or a bulk polymer mixture.
  • 2-3 mm bumps will require the use of a substrate or mastic, putty;
  • 4-5 mm or more can be eliminated with semi-dry or wet screed, as well as OSB or plywood boards.


Uneven subfloors can be promptly compensated for with this kind of material. It’s important to keep in mind that natural substrates, such as felt or jute, can only be placed on the base after initial waterproofing. By doing this, the material will not rot. It is possible to lay polymer substrates on any kind of base. No special surface preparation is needed for them.

For the task at hand, you will require:

  • roll of backing;
  • construction tape;
  • scissors for cutting material in niches and protrusions.

You must both level and degrease the base before laying. It is advised to use wood putty to level the existing joints between the boards.

Workplace technology

  1. Cover the plank floor with antiseptic primer. Concrete – will require a similar primer.
  2. Treat the surface with bitumen mastic or lay plastic film on the base. The flooring is carried out with an overlap of 10-15 cm. The overlap on the walls can be 5 cm or more. The film is secured together with tape.
  3. Natural jute or felt are laid end to end. If a foil backing is used, it can be overlapped, just like film.
  4. The jute is fixed to the floor using PVA glue or construction tape.

You can lay linoleum over the substrate once it’s ready.

This page contains all of the substrate information.

Tile adhesive

After removing the old flooring, tile adhesive lets you quickly fix the rough base’s shortcomings. utilized as a concrete screed beneath linoleum, laminate, and tiles. There are instances where the distance between the floor and the door opening is less than 4-5 mm. Here, standard DSPs are useless. The levelness of the base must be within 2.5 mm. Tile adhesive can be used for this.

For the task at hand, you will require:

  • rule 3 mm long;
  • container for mixing the solution;
  • construction mixer.

To improve the glue’s adherence to the surface, the concrete coating must be ground prior to leveling. You may need to apply a primer and vacuum the floor, if needed.

Workplace technology

  1. Apply markings of high and low points using a level.
  2. Install beacons.
  3. Mix the glue according to the instructions.
  4. Apply the adhesive mass with a rule, starting from the lowest point and drawing it to the zero level. This must be done across the beacons.
  5. If the glue has already set and there are bumps left, they are removed by sanding.

Everything is leveled after the holes and depressions are filled in.


Since walls are typically leveled with this material, the work technology is comparable. Small irregularities are removed with a spatula, while large ones are removed with a rule. Just the holes that already exist are filled with putty, not the floor as a whole. On a base like this, linoleum is already installable.

It is advised to use drywall adhesive in addition to gypsum putty to reinforce the surface.

It is possible to apply an adhesive composition (perlflix) under furniture or other areas with high mechanical impact. Wherever else: gypsum edition. Workplace technology

  1. Scrape off the bumps in the concrete base with a spatula.
  2. Dust the surface.
  3. Prepare gypsum solution.
  4. Apply the composition to the surface and smooth with a spatula.

After that, the finished floor needs to be vacuumed and sanded.


One method of semi-automated floor leveling is looping. Only appropriate for wood floors.

Make sure there are no nails sticking up from the floor before beginning the process. Failure to do so could result in the scraping machine malfunctioning. Work will be required for:

  • plane;
  • scraping machine;
  • respirator and gloves, headphones;

Technology functions:

  1. Start scraping from the far wall to the near one – with the door. Carry out work with a snake. In corners where the machine cannot reach, you can treat the floor with a planer.
  2. Cover the floor in the holes with wood putty if there is any damage. It usually consists of sawdust and glue.
  3. Repeatedly cycle the surface and vacuum.

You just need to apply varnish and antiseptic to the wood to protect it before installing linoleum.

Wet screed

Making a screed is a conventional, albeit labor-intensive, method of leveling the floor. The durability and strength of the base are its main advantages. Wet is limited to concrete surfaces only.

For the task at hand, you will require:

  • building level;
  • DSP with plasticizers;
  • lighthouses.

Prior to beginning, you must label every difference. Note the high and low points.

Technology functions:

  1. Install beacons with a distance of 1 m between them.
  2. Fill the solution up to the mark. Align it with a rule.
  3. After the solution is almost dry, dismantle the beacons and fill the recesses under them with DSP. Level the surface.

The floor surface needs a long time to dry using this method.


Comparable to the manner in which concrete mixture is traditionally laid. used in apartments where flooring needs to be installed quickly.

For the task at hand, you will require:

  • Laser level;
  • cement strainer.
  • lighthouses;
  • waterproofing.

Semi-dry screed installation uses the same technology as traditional screed installation. The amount of water used to make the solution is the only thing that differs. in addition to the inclusion of plasticizers and other additives in mixture composition.


This is the quickest way available for making screeds. doesn’t call for any particular abilities. Works well on both wood and concrete. Filler is made of expanded clay and other materials.

For the task at hand, you will require:

  • waterproofing film;
  • damper tape;
  • construction beacons;
  • filler (expanded clay);
  • sheets of OSB, GVL or plywood.

You must vacuum the surface and remove construction debris before beginning work.

Technology used in dry screed work:

  1. Lay waterproofing.
  2. Tape the joints between the floor and the walls.
  3. Install beacons according to markings.
  4. Fill in expanded clay and level it.
  5. Install OSB boards on the filler.

Children’s rooms and bedrooms are ideal locations for the dry screed method because they have low humidity and little load on the coating.

Plywood or OSB boards

For wooden floors with significant height variations, this method of screeding is best. Ideal for concrete bases as well. The technology at work is comparable to that of installing a dry floor. However, some subtleties exist.

What you’ll need to install plywood sheets is:

  • waterproofing and edge tape;
  • lighthouses;
  • building level.

Technology functions:

  1. Lay waterproofing.
  2. Tape the joints with edge tape.
  3. Mount the beacons and fix them at the required height.
  4. Install lags.
  5. Cut plywood sheets according to the width of the distance between the joists.
  6. Lay them down and fix them with self-tapping screws, recessing the caps, in 2 layers, offset by 1/3 of the canvas.
  7. Apply putty to the places where screws are screwed in and to the seams between the plates.

Once all of this work is finished, you can install vinyl flooring.

Self-leveling floor

Mixtures of polymers and cements are common levelers. They offer a surface that is flawlessly smooth and level.

For the task at hand, you will require:

  • needle roller for leveling and removing bubbles;
  • damper tape;
  • mixing container;
  • smooth spatula;
  • drill with mixer attachment.

Concrete bases are the only applications for self-leveling floors.

The following is the order of work:

  1. Dust the surface of the rough base.
  2. Apply deep penetration primer.
  3. Cover the joints between the walls and the floor with edging tape.
  4. Mix the self-leveling floor solution according to the manufacturer"s instructions.
  5. Starting from the far corner of the room, you need to gradually pour the mixture.
  6. Spread the solution evenly over the surface using a roller and a smooth spatula.
  7. Wait for it to dry.

You can then install the flooring.

How to choose the right method?

How do I decide which approach is best for leveling? It is contingent upon the kind of floor base and the necessary thickness:

  • If it is wood, you will need technologies that will not destroy the wood layer, in particular, semi-dry and dry laying materials.
  • For concrete, you can use any technology: self-leveling floors, semi-dry or wet screed, tile adhesive.

The decision also hinges on whether you want to hire a professional or attempt floor leveling yourself.

In the latter scenario, hiring experts is most cost-effective for labor-intensive tasks like pouring a self-leveling floor, laying plywood or OSB, or making any kind of screed.

Useful video

Regarding the video’s alignment features:

Method Description
Self-leveling Compound Prepare the floor by cleaning it thoroughly. Mix and pour the self-leveling compound, spreading it evenly with a trowel to create a smooth surface.
Plywood Underlayment If the floor has minor irregularities, lay down plywood sheets. Secure them properly to provide a flat base for the linoleum installation.

Leveling a floor under linoleum can be a difficult task to undertake on your own, but with the right strategy, it is doable. Begin by giving the current floor surface a thorough cleaning and preparation. To make a smooth base, clear away any debris, adhesive residues, or uneven patches.

Next, decide which leveling compound is best for the type of floor you have. When combining and applying the compound, carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Using a trowel, spread it evenly over the floor, making sure to fill in any low areas and leave a level surface.

After application, give the leveling compound the recommended amount of time to dry completely. In order to guarantee a level and sturdy base for your linoleum flooring, this step is essential. Examine the surface after it has dried to look for any flaws or uneven spots that might require more touch-ups.

Finally, be sure to completely clean the leveled surface to get rid of any dust or debris before installing your linoleum. With this preparation, you can be sure that the linoleum will adhere firmly to the floor, providing a polished and seamless finish.

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Milan Yashina

Design engineer, specialist in development of design documentation. I will help you correctly design your home or other building.

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