How to find out the size and area of ​​a plot by cadastral number

Comprehending the dimensions and extent of a piece of land is essential for multiple purposes, regardless of whether you intend to construct, remodel, or merely oversee real estate. Using the cadastral number given to the plot is one popular way to find out these details. In cadastral systems, which are databases maintained by governmental or local authorities to record land parcels, this number acts as a unique identifier.

Every piece of land that is registered in the cadastral system is assigned a unique cadastral number. This number connects to extensive records that include the area and size of the plot as well as its boundaries, ownership details, and occasionally even information about the land’s permitted use and terrain.

Typically, you will need to access the relevant cadastral database kept by local authorities in order to determine the area and size of a plot using its cadastral number. These databases are frequently available online or through specific offices, where you can request an official extract of information or conduct a direct search using the cadastral number.

By using its unique number, you can locate the plot in the cadastral database and obtain comprehensive details about its dimensions. To help you comprehend the actual size of the land, this information usually includes the plot’s total area expressed in square meters or square feet.

Of course! For your article on "How to find out the size and area of a plot by cadastral number," the following is a succinct main thesis statement: Accuracy and clarity are essential when learning how to use a cadastral number to calculate the area and size of a plot. This article walks homeowners and prospective property purchasers through the simple procedures of locating cadastral records, deciphering plot lines, and comprehending the data. Readers will become more adept at navigating cadastral data to determine the dimensions and boundaries of properties by adhering to these useful guidelines.

Determination of parameters and area offline

When a piece of land or other property’s cadastral number is known, it is feasible to ascertain:

  • his address (coordinates),
  • borders,
  • square,
  • other legal information.

Rosreestr records every detail while the object is being registered. An all-Russian database of cadastral numbers has been established for this reason.

An individual or legal entity can obtain all cadastral number information directly from the Rosreestr division of the Multifunctional Center (MFC) in paper form as a cadastral passport. You must make an official request at these establishments or via the post office in order to accomplish this.

Additionally, you must submit the following records:

  • check for payment of state duty;
  • Russian passport;
  • a document that certifies the applicant’s ownership of the land plot.

The citizen receives a receipt upon submission of the full package of documents, which must be shown in order to obtain a cadastral passport.

Individuals must pay 200 rubles in state duty; legal entities must pay 600 rubles.


Aside from utilizing a publicly accessible cadastral map, one can also contact online experts to learn more details about a specific land plot. An electronic request is made for this on the State Services portal or the official Rosreestr website.

Electronic access to the document will also be available. For individuals, the state fee for this service is 150 rubles; for legal entities, it is 300 rubles.

Scans of the remaining documents specified in the preceding section must also be submitted.

Search via PKK

With an address, coordinates, or cadastral number, you can use the features of the Public Cadastral Map of Rosreestr to determine the size of a land plot. This is a special web service that allows a potential customer to get all the information they need about the item they have requested.

This web application can be found at, Rosreestr’s official website.

The cadastral number of the land plot must be entered in the "Plots" subsection of the search window, which is situated in the upper left corner of the map.

When the user clicks the "Find" button, the auto-mode map locates and displays the storage area’s boundaries in yellow. Information about the object, including its defined area in square meters, appears in the window that pops up next.

You can save the site drawing by using the "Zap plan" option.

If the PKK does not have any information about the area, or if the message "Without boundary coordinates" appears, you should get in touch with a cadastral engineer to get the specifics of the site.

The dimensions and area of the allotment will be explained and given to the user during the request execution process.

Using the "Measurements" item in the map’s left menu, one can manually measure the area on the interactive map. The boundary line that needs to be measured must then be marked, all while holding down the right mouse button. The outcome will be shown next to the "Measurements" button.

How to find according to the cadastral plan

A cadastral plan, also known as a passport, is a legally binding document that contains information about the features of a particular land plot.

By official request, the cadastral plan is available through Rosreestr or MFC on paper or in electronic format.

It is split up into five distinct sections.

Every one of these sections presents a particular kind of information about the website.

The first section is devoted exclusively to earth-related information.

  • Assigning a cadastre number to the plan and site;
  • Coordinates and address of the land plot, area, boundaries and other physical characteristics of the territory;
  • Date of creation of the passport, date of entering detailed information about the object;
  • The authorized body by which the registration was carried out;
  • Data on entities authorized to conduct operations with the site.

The plan diagram of the area on which the plan is drawn up, along with a thorough description of its boundaries, is presented in the second section.

The third section contains text that describes the rationale behind the site’s placement on a particular area and includes mentions of nearby land plots.

Information regarding the items on the site is clarified in the fourth and fifth sections.

Step 1: Obtain the cadastral number of your plot from relevant documents or authorities. Step 2: Visit the official website of the local cadastral agency or land registry.
Step 3: Enter the cadastral number into the designated search tool on the website. Step 4: Review the search results to find detailed information about the plot, including its size and area.

Homeowners, real estate investors, and anybody else involved in property transactions can all benefit greatly from knowing how to calculate the area and size of a plot using its cadastral number. Having access to this data helps you understand the precise measurements of your property, which is important when making decisions about building, remodeling, or legal issues.

You can quickly obtain official records by visiting local cadastral offices or using online platforms. These documents describe your plot’s dimensions, boundaries, and any encumbrances that might impair your property rights. This openness guarantees adherence to regional laws and helps avoid misunderstandings.

When starting a building project, it’s important to know exactly how big your plot is. It makes precise planning and design possible, guaranteeing that your project complies with zoning regulations and makes the best use of the available space. The entire building process is streamlined with the help of this information, which also helps with cost estimation and obtaining required permits.

Knowing the size and area of your plot is essential for property valuation and resale, even after construction is complete. Precise land measurements are essential for determining market value and facilitating successful negotiations between real estate agents and potential purchasers. Property owners can use this information to make well-informed decisions that will increase the value of their financial investments.

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Fedor Pavlov

Interior designer, author of books on residential design. I will help you make your home not only functional, but also beautiful.

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