Step-by-step instructions for installing a strip foundation with your own hands

Would you like to start the foundation for your building project? It can be a satisfying task to install a strip foundation by hand, guaranteeing a sturdy foundation for upcoming constructions. This fundamental approach is frequently selected due to its ease of use and efficiency in offering stability.

Prior to diving in, it’s important to grasp the fundamentals. A continuous concrete strip supporting a structure’s weight is called a strip foundation. It is best suited for building walls straight above and is commonly utilized in structures with low to moderate loads.

It’s important to plan. Determine the foundation’s dimensions and layout first, taking into account the weight of the intended structure, building codes, and type of soil. Before continuing, make sure the area is level and free of debris.

In terms of supplies, you’ll need formwork boards, concrete mix, and tools like a shovel, spirit level, and wheelbarrow. These necessities will enable you to carry out each action with accuracy and effectiveness.

Step 1: Prepare the site Clear the ground and mark the layout for the foundation.
Step 2: Excavate the trench Dig a trench according to the planned dimensions and depth.
Step 3: Compact the bottom En Backfill and finish Backfill around the foundation and complete any finishing touches.

Types of strip foundation

It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the design features of a strip foundation before creating one by hand. The tape comes in two varieties, depending on the technology employed:

  • monolithic;
  • national team.

For frequent construction, the monolithic strip foundation will prove to be a more profitable option. For mass construction, prefabricated technology is more frequently utilized. This is because the installation is done using prefabricated reinforced concrete foundation slabs and concrete blocks. These structures weigh between a few hundred kilograms and a few tons, and they are typically 1-2 meters long.

Without renting lifting equipment, such as a truck crane or tower crane, it becomes impossible to construct a strip foundation composed of blocks. This will cause the cost of construction to rise dramatically. Furthermore, the placement of mechanisms in a small area presents a challenge.

By pouring a strip foundation, extra expenses are avoided. When building a house by hand, this is a reasonable option. It will only take a few people to finish the job.

The tape is made of three types by design:

  • deep strip foundation;
  • shallow;
  • not buried.

Buildings can be constructed using the first option on any basis. It is feasible to create a technical underground space, or basement, for utilities in this situation. For small buildings and non-heaving soils with good strength (coarse, medium, or coarse sands) found on the site, the construction of a shallow-type strip foundation is taken into consideration.

For auxiliary buildings only, unsunken tape is utilized. You could cover it with a canopy or gazebo. Every project will depend on the type of foundation that is properly chosen.

We’ll take you through the process of installing a strip foundation on your own step-by-step in this guide from "Everything about construction and renovation." Because a strip foundation evenly distributes a structure’s weight to the ground, it is an essential component of building stability. Everything you need to know will be covered, including site preparation, trench digging, concrete pouring, and making sure the right reinforcement is in place. Whether you’re starting from scratch or renovating an already-existing property, knowing how to lay a solid foundation will guarantee that your building will last for many years.


Prior to selecting the materials for a strip foundation, the technology must be chosen. If you choose to use prefabricated components, you will have to buy:

  • FBS grade concrete blocks;
  • concrete slabs of FL grade;
  • brick and concrete for filling holes;
  • waterproofing materials;
  • thermal insulation materials if necessary.

Since laying out an underground wall from standard blocks is nearly impossible, sealing holes made of concrete or brick is used. Additionally, to create a strip concrete belt along the edge of the supporting part, reinforcement and concrete will be helpful. To unite the entire structure, a reinforced concrete component is required. It enables the load to be distributed evenly from the walls to the supporting components. Read a thorough article about the foundations of FBS if needed.

The following technologies are used in the process of pouring a strip foundation:

  • liquid concrete classes B15—B20;
  • reinforcement: working, vertical, transverse;
  • boards or polystyrene foam for making formwork;
  • waterproofing materials;
  • thermal insulation if necessary.

Bulk material must be ready before a strip foundation can be correctly poured beneath a house. Use gravel, crushed stone, medium or coarse sand, or a sand-gravel mixture. This pillow serves multiple purposes at once.

  • aligns the base under the tape;
  • performs the function of a drainage layer;
  • prevents the negative effects of frost heaving forces.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is advisable to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the various strip foundation types before deciding to proceed further with the structures that are being considered. The benefits of a deep strip foundation are as follows:

  • Possibility of building a basement;
  • simplicity of technology;
  • high reliability;
  • application for heaving soils.

There are drawbacks to buried strip foundations as well.

  • large volumes of earthworks;
  • high cost and labor intensity;
  • the need for drainage;
  • difficulty of application at high groundwater levels.

Installing a shallow strip foundation would make sense in certain situations. The following are some benefits of the option:

  • reduced cost;
  • there is no need for large volumes of earthworks;
  • the ability to use when the groundwater level is located longer than 1.5 m from the ground surface.

However, not all situations allow for the construction of a strip foundation of this kind. This option for reinforced concrete has a number of drawbacks:

  • not recommended for heaving soils (if there is no other choice, make reliable waterproofing, drainage, storm drainage and insulation);
  • not suitable for buildings with a basement;
  • cannot be used when the groundwater level is located above 1.5 m from the surface.

Strip foundation for a house: laying depth

When creating a structure, this should be the most crucial question to ask. Support is provided for the recessed strip foundation so that its base is 20–30 cm below the freezing line. This is the only way to prevent frost heaving-related uneven deformations of the building.

The area’s climate characteristics determine the strip foundation’s height. The formulas determine the freezing depth. But you can use ready-made tables created for various cities across the nation, if you want to calculate the supporting part’s dimensions more simply.

The strip foundation’s fine-sized structure calls for its placement between 70 and 100 cm below the surface. It’s critical to keep in mind that this choice is less resilient to frosty heapons and has a lower bearing capacity.

It is important to carefully consider the depth of the sole’s throat before beginning any concrete work beneath your home. In addition, freezing is regulated simultaneously. As a general rule, water shouldn’t be any closer to a building’s base than 20 cm.

Low-rise building foundations typically don’t require intricate calculations. Every value is assigned visually. There is a significant chance that you will overspend in this situation. However, it is preferable to speak with experts who can precisely choose the laying, width, and reinforcement. If it’s not feasible, make use of the lowest values:

  • height depending on soil freezing;
  • width depending on the width of the wall (the value for the foundation is taken no less, but preferably a couple of centimeters more);
  • working reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm;
  • clamps with a diameter of 6-8 mm.

Creating a strip foundation on your own can be a satisfying project that gives your structure durability and stability. You’ve made a big step in the right direction by following the detailed instructions in this guide to ensure the sturdy foundation your building requires.

It is essential to comprehend the excavation, leveling, and formwork preparation procedures. It prepares the ground for the concrete pour, which is the main structural element of your foundation. These basic steps guarantee that your structure will be able to stand the test of time and rest firmly on the ground.

Steel bars embedded in the concrete strengthen the foundation, which is essential for supporting the weight of your building and preventing ground movement. By adding a layer of resilience, this reinforcing step protects against future cracks and settles over time.

The construction of the foundation is finished as you complete the installation with cautious curing and backfilling. This last stage makes sure the surrounding soil offers sufficient support and that the concrete sets correctly. It’s an essential step in making sure your building is stable and long-lasting.

In summary, having mastered the installation of a strip foundation has given you valuable construction experience and strengthened the foundation of your project. A solid foundation is necessary for the security and durability of any building, whether it is for a new house, an addition, or renovations.

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Fedor Pavlov

Interior designer, author of books on residential design. I will help you make your home not only functional, but also beautiful.

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