What is a cadastral passport of a land plot and why is it needed?

A cadastral passport is a crucial record that offers comprehensive details about a particular plot of land. It contains important information like the plot’s precise location, size, and boundaries. The cadastral office, which is in charge of keeping records of land properties, issued this document.

A cadastral passport is essential for the legal recognition and defense of your property rights, among other reasons. It acts as evidence of ownership and keeps disagreements regarding the boundaries and extent of your property with neighbors or other parties at bay. Additionally, the cadastral passport is required to legally complete the transaction when you intend to sell or transfer your property.

For building and renovation projects, cadastral passports are also very useful. Authorities will need the comprehensive information contained in the cadastral passport before they will grant you building permits or approval for any changes you wish to make to your land. This guarantees that all developments are executed in compliance with planning and local laws.

In conclusion, a cadastral passport is an essential piece of paperwork for any landowner. In addition to defending your property rights, it also makes legal transactions and construction projects easier. Maintaining a current cadastral passport guarantees that your land is appropriately registered and acknowledged by the government, assisting you in avoiding legal problems.

An official document that gives comprehensive details about a plot of land, such as its precise boundaries, size, location, and any structures that are currently in place, is called a cadastral passport. It guarantees clarity in legal ownership, helps avoid disputes, and is frequently necessary for a variety of transactions, such as selling the land, obtaining a mortgage, or applying for building permits. For this reason, it is crucial for property owners, buyers, and sellers. A current cadastral passport makes these procedures easier and provides all parties with a comprehensive understanding of the details of the property.

Differences from the cadastral plan for land

Land only is issued with cadastral plans. This is essentially a map of the location with coordinates that shows the plot’s features both graphically and textually. The availability of more comprehensive information about the object (the value established during the inventory is reflected) is the primary benefit of a passport.

You must contact the Unified State Register (or the State Services website, Rosreestr), bringing the following documents with you in order to obtain a plan:

  • an application containing a request to enter data into the register and issue an extract;
  • identification;
  • document confirming the right to land;
  • boundary plan;
  • decision of the authority certifying the entry of data (2 copies);
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles. for a private person and 2400 rubles. for a legal entity).

You need to decide on a delivery method if you need to send paper forms. The document is supplied electronically when an application is submitted via the website. In this instance, the cost is lower: 150 rubles for an individual and 300 rubles for a company.

Payment can be made in person at the office, online at Rosreestr or State Services, or at the Sberbank cash desk.

There’s no need to order any documentation if you just need the data for yourself. The Public Map, which offers details on all registered plots, can be used to access information about anything online for free.

Why is it needed??

It is possible to register a right to land with Rosreestr without a plan or extract.

No will, donation, or sale can be completed without registration because the new owner cannot re-register the plot’s rights.

If necessary, a land plot’s cadastral passport is also required:

  • check and notarize the purchase and sale agreement;
  • draw up a will, inheritance, deed of gift;
  • evaluate the land;
  • obtain a building permit, including on a summer cottage;
  • transfer the land as collateral (when applying for a mortgage);
  • conclude a lease agreement;
  • insure a house built on the site;
  • resolve legal disputes.


Four sections make up the extract, which takes the place of the antiquated cadastral passport:

  • B1 — includes 18 columns containing:
  • cadastral number;
  • inventory value;
  • determination of the category and type of permitted use of land;
  • data on location, area, configuration, types and restrictions of use;
  • address, information about the owner;
  • information required for state registration;
  • data on previously completed transactions.


Law No. 221-FZ does not specify when something is valid or expires. Since the statement is not limited in time and is theoretically infinite, it will be impossible to pinpoint the precise duration of its validity.

Actually, this is only true up until the point at which the website undergoes a change or a transaction or right registration becomes necessary.

A state inventory of every plot is conducted every five years, and some of the plots have different values.

The data used in any transaction must be current. The information in the extract is deemed untrustworthy if it is received prior to the subsequent evaluation.

How to get it from the MFC or Rosreestr

You are eligible to apply for:

  • when contacting the MFC or Rosreestr in person;
  • through the Rosreestr website;
  • through the State Services website;
  • through a representative for whom a power of attorney has been issued (must be certified by a notary);
  • sending documents by mail.

The application needs to be submitted in the format required and attached as an attachment.

  • passport;
  • a receipt certifying payment of the duty;
  • document confirming ownership.

It takes five days to register.

The amount of paperwork is growing if the land is not registered.

  • boundary plan;
  • a certificate certifying the approval of the boundary plan;
  • document confirming ownership;
  • a certificate confirming the restrictions;
  • a certificate defining the permitted use;
  • document confirming the existence of a share (in case of equity participation).

The paper form can be mailed through a representative or obtained in person (after 20 days). The statement is emailed to you when you register online.

Is it possible to make changes?

Not only is change feasible, but it’s also essential that you enter:

  • after each state inventory,
  • correct errors if necessary,
  • changes in area, configuration or boundaries.

This allows the content of the cadastral extract to be combined with the content of documents certifying property rights.

  • When dividing,
  • consolidation of plots,
  • adding additional space

It’s necessary to get a new cadastral passport (better with preliminary land surveying).

You must submit an application, passport, boundary plan, and paperwork verifying the site’s classification to the office in order for the modifications to be taken into consideration. Within 20 days, the updated version will be delivered.

How is the cost formed?

Duty on receipt paper deducts 600 rubles for legal entities and 200 rubles for individuals.

Less expensive electronic option: 150 rub. for an individual and 300 rub. for a legal.

The price of developing a boundary plan determines the overall cost. It is determined by taking into account the site’s area, location, and requirement for installing or restoring boundary signs. The service typically costs between 10,000 and 25,000 rubles.

The cost of registration goes up if a proxy representative is used.

Useful video

Watch this fascinating video to learn about the purposes, requirements, and cost of issuing a cadastral passport.

What is a cadastral passport? Why is it needed?
A cadastral passport is an official document that provides detailed information about a land plot, including its boundaries, size, and location. It is needed to prove ownership, resolve disputes, plan construction, and ensure accurate property tax assessments.

An essential document that offers comprehensive information about a plot of land is its cadastral passport. It contains information about the plot’s precise boundaries, size, location, and allowed land use. For land transactions to be clear and legally secure, this document is essential.

A cadastral passport makes it easier to prevent disagreements about who owns what and where. It facilitates the resolution of potential disputes by acting as a trustworthy resource in legal affairs. This paperwork guarantees that everyone involved in the purchase or sale of land understands all the specifics of the property.

A cadastral passport is also required for a number of administrative processes. It is necessary, for instance, when registering the land with the local government or when making any modifications to it, like dividing the plot or erecting a new building. It guarantees that every modification complies with regional laws.

To sum up, the cadastral passport is an essential resource for purchasers, sellers, and landowners. Transparency is offered, legal problems are avoided, and efficient transactions and administrative procedures are made easier. Making sure your land plot has an updated cadastral passport can help you avoid future headaches, save money, and waste time.

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Timur Kiselev

Professional builder with 15 years of experience. I know everything about the construction of houses, cottages, bathhouses and other buildings. I will be happy to share my knowledge and experience with you.

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