What is an anchor plate for plastic windows, choosing the right size, how to install it?

The anchor plate is a crucial element to guarantee stability and longevity when installing plastic windows. This little but essential component is essential to securing the window frame to the building structure and giving it the support it needs to withstand different environmental stresses.

An anchor plate’s appropriate size selection is crucial for a successful installation. Selecting the incorrect size can result in inadequate assistance or needless difficulties when installing the product. It’s critical to ensure that the anchor plate size fits the unique specifications of your wall structure and window frame.

There are a few simple steps involved in installing an anchor plate for plastic windows, but accuracy is crucial. The procedure entails accurately aligning the window frame, securing the plate, and making sure it is positioned correctly. A stable and long-lasting installation can be achieved by carefully following these steps.

What it is?

An anchor plate is a zinc-coated, rigid steel component that is used to secure the window structure to the outer wall where the opening is situated. The following characteristics of this fastener are:

  • There are holes on the surface of the part for installing screws.
  • Has increased strength and minimal flexibility.
  • When bending, the structure of the material is not disturbed.
  • Available in different sizes and thicknesses, depending on the weight of the window structure and wall material.
  • In the places where the plate is attached to the PVC window profile, notches are arranged to increase the adhesion of the metal to the plastic.
  • If the anchor plate is produced by the same company that manufactures translucent structures, the element can be equipped with brackets for quickly fixing the metal to the plastic profile.
  • Products of a higher price category can be made of stainless steel, which significantly increases the service life of the plate.

When installing window structures in the exterior walls of residential or public buildings, the anchor plate is a necessary consumable item.

Why is it used when installing PVC structures??

The following situations call for the use of the fastening element for mounting PVC structures:

  • For easy window installation, without the need for disassembly or through drilling of the profile.
  • To increase the energy efficiency of the room, when installing a window in a three-layer wall with effective insulation.
  • To increase the mobility of the window structure, which eliminates too tight abutment to the end of the opening in the wall and, accordingly, deformation of the frame.
  • If it is necessary to ensure adjustment of the window structure in the body of the opening.

Regarding a note. The fasteners being considered are a more sophisticated version of screw anchors, which require drilling through the profile in order to install a double-glazed window.

For plastic windows, an anchor plate is an essential part that guarantees the window frame’s safe installation into the building structure. In order to maintain stability and durability and to avoid gaps and possible damage, size selection is crucial. To ensure that the window stays firmly in place and works properly, installing an anchor plate requires accurate placement and secure fastening. To guarantee a successful window fitting, this article will walk you through the understanding of anchor plates, how to choose the right size, and a step-by-step installation procedure.


There are three basic categories into which all plates that are sold are separated, with variations in both design and functionality:

  • Rotary. They are a composite structure of two steel elements connected to each other by crimping to form a hinge. Parts can rotate in one plane. One of the parts of the plate is fixed to the frame, and the second can move, which provides a degree of freedom and the possibility of play during installation. Rotating plates are used for stone walls made of bricks or foam blocks, since the movement of the window prevents delamination and loss of strength of part of the structural element.
  • Fixed. The simplest and most inexpensive products are a standard perforated steel plate. When the element is fixed to the wall and plastic profile, a rigid seal is formed, which ensures the static position of the window in the opening.
  • For fixing to wooden windows. It is one of the varieties of non-rotating plates. The difference between this fastener is that it is fixed to a wooden frame using sharpened ruffs that hold the steel part using friction force.

The following plate types may differ in terms of length, thickness, weight, and the number, size, and presence of self-tapping screw holes.

Reference: The cost of parts is determined by the quantity of metal used in their production as well as the element’s complexity of manufacture.


While installing a double-glazed window, composite rotating elements enable you to accomplish the following:

  • Movement of the window structure during installation, which ensures more accurate positioning of the window in the body of the opening during fixation and foaming.
  • Possibility of moving the place where the frame is attached if there is a seam or other difficulties when fixing the plate to the outer wall.
  • Compensation for movement due to temperature changes during window operation.

When an external force is applied, the rotating plate almost never deforms, losing its structure and causing the stiffener to compress locally.


The most basic external components for fastening a window frame to the extremities of a wooden, brick, or stone wall. Non-rotating elements are subject to several technological and design requirements, including:

  • The presence of bends and stiffening ribs provides increased rigidity of the elements, which prevents the development of plastic deformations under load.
  • Several holes of different diameters for self-tapping screws with different dimensions.
  • The presence of elongated perforation elements to allow the plate to play before fixing it in a static position, which ensures the versatility of its use.

Please take note that there is only one condition that must be met by all fastening components: they must be coated to inhibit the growth of corrosion. This will greatly extend their longevity during window operation and eliminate the need for expensive repairs.

Why and how to choose the right one?

The safe and comfortable operation of the window opening will depend on choosing the appropriate number of anchor plates with the optimal strength indicator. There are several subtleties that you should be especially aware of when buying these parts:

  • The thickness of the plate, on which the rigidity of the element and its resistance to the applied load from the weight of the frame depend. This parameter also affects the number of anchor plates.
  • Dimensions of the external element, depending on the wall material, frame seating depth.
  • Availability of a hinge, if it is necessary to install the window offset.
  • Type of fastening, selection of necessary hardware, dowels.
  • There should be no traces of corrosion on the metal surface, as well as the ends of the plate.

The kind of metal and chemical makeup of the anchor plates you choose will also have an impact on the product’s retail price. If the component is overly inexpensive, it might be a sign that inferior steel was used, which will corrode in a matter of years.

How much is needed and how is installation done??

When doing manual anchor plate installation, professionals advise adhering to several guidelines and a specific technology roadmap:

  • When installing standard double-hung windows, it is necessary to ensure the installation of at least 2 plates along each side of the frame (except for the bottom plane).
  • If the frame consists of 3 or more sashes, one plate is placed on each new rotating element in the area where the vertical impost meets the lintel.
  • The place where the plates are attached to the frame is marked along the entire perimeter of the window.
  • The metal part is fixed to the plastic profile using bent claws, or using high-strength self-tapping screws that cut through only one wall of the profile.
  • The distance between the plates along the height of the rack must be the same for uniform distribution of forces.
  • The window with fixed plates stops in the opening and is expanded using mounting wedges until it reaches a static position.
  • The master checks the position of the frame in all planes using a square and a building level.
  • At the attachment points of each plate, holes are made for dowels using a hammer drill.
  • A self-tapping screw is carefully screwed into each dowel to secure the plate to the opening.
  • Fastening should begin from one of the corners of the translucent element.

Crucial! It is not advised by experts to drill holes in the wall for every fastener at once. The position of the window structure should be double-checked for any deviations after each new flexible part is fixed.

Pros and cons of use

Almost all standard installations of plastic windows in stone or wooden walls use anchor plates. The following benefits come with using these elements for the property owner:

  • Increased strength of pairing of PVC window frame with the external wall structure.
  • When using anchor plates, no intervention in the frame structure is required, which ensures its original thermal characteristics.
  • Rotating plates allow you to select the most suitable section of the external wall for fixing the window.
  • The master will have the opportunity to set the plane of the translucent structure with an accuracy of up to a millimeter, without any limbo deviations from the vertical or horizontal.
  • Mounting plates greatly simplify repair and restoration work and replacement of window structures after the operational period has expired and physical wear has reached.
  • Steel fasteners have a low retail price and do not increase the cost of the installation process.

In addition to the benefits, experts also point out a number of drawbacks:

  • When choosing the thickness and number of anchoring elements, it is necessary to accurately calculate their load-bearing capacity. The plates must withstand the weight of the window for the period of operation, taking into account the increased load from wind and other external influences.
  • Each time heavy sashes are opened, the plates are subject to elastic deformation, which causes slight movement of the frame and, as a result, the formation of cracks in the finishing elements of slopes and junction points.
  • The plate requires careful masking under a thick layer of plaster or installation of strips, which can spoil the appearance of the interior of the room.
  • The complexity of installing plates in hollow bricks, since there is a risk of its destruction during the transmission of forces.

As a result, the owner of the property must consider all the benefits and drawbacks before opting to install anchor plates. He or she should then buy a material that suits his needs and the features of the property’s operation.

Average prices in the Russian Federation

Anchor plates are typically provided as a set and are already included in the overall cost when ordering installation of a window structure from a single company. The following prices are roughly what manufacturers offer if you need to buy these items separately:

  • Fixed plate 150x25x1.2 – average price 25-30 rubles. for 1 piece.
  • Extended fixed plate 190x25x1.2 – average price 35-40 rubles. for 1 piece.
  • Rotating plate 150x25x1.2 with crimp joint, average price 50-60 rubles. for 1 piece.
  • Set of fixed plates 150x25x1.2 of 10 pcs. offered by suppliers at a price of 190-210 rubles.

Regarding a note. The cost may change based on how many items are ordered in a single order. Wholesale prices apply when you buy 1000 or more wafers with the same features; these prices can be 2-3 times higher than retail.

Useful video

The following video will teach you which anchor plates to use, why to use them, and how to install plastic windows:

Topic Details
What is an anchor plate for plastic windows? An anchor plate is a metal piece used to securely fix plastic windows to the building structure. It ensures stability and durability.
Choosing the right size Select an anchor plate size that matches the window frame"s dimensions and the building material. This ensures a proper fit and secure installation.
How to install it First, position the anchor plate on the window frame. Then, drill holes into the wall and frame. Finally, screw the anchor plate into place, ensuring it"s tightly secured.

To guarantee the stability and security of plastic windows, it is imperative to comprehend the function of an anchor plate. These plates serve as vital joints that hold the window frame firmly to the building’s framework. You can greatly improve the lifespan and functionality of your windows by selecting the appropriate size and performing the installation correctly.

It’s crucial to take your building’s unique requirements into account in addition to the weight and dimensions of your windows when choosing the right size for your anchor plates. Selecting the incorrect size might jeopardize the stability of the window and cause problems later on. To ensure you make the best decision, take the time to measure precisely and refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Although installing anchor plates can seem difficult, it can be done easily with the correct equipment and guidance. Mark the locations of the plates on the wall and window frame first. Make the required holes in the plates and fasten them with the appropriate screws and anchors. Make sure the plates are securely fastened to avoid any gaps or movement that might impair the window’s functionality.

In conclusion, anchor plates are a crucial part of installing plastic windows because they provide the necessary stability and support. You can make sure your windows are dependable and safe by carefully selecting the appropriate size and carrying out the installation instructions as directed. This meticulous attention to detail will pay off in the form of sturdy, well-installed windows that improve your home’s comfort and security.

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Timur Kiselev

Professional builder with 15 years of experience. I know everything about the construction of houses, cottages, bathhouses and other buildings. I will be happy to share my knowledge and experience with you.

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