What is the drilling of pilot holes for piles, what are the prices and what do they depend on?

Making sure the foundation is sturdy and stable is essential when building any kind of structure. Drilling pilot holes for piles is a crucial step in this process. This technique aids in establishing a strong, deep foundation for a variety of structures, including big commercial and residential buildings. Making educated decisions about your construction projects is possible if you comprehend the rationale behind and procedure for drilling pilot holes.

Pilot holes are tiny, preparatory holes that are bored to help direct the positioning of bigger piles. By shifting the weight of the structure to deeper, more stable soil layers, these piles offer foundational support. Pilot holes are drilled to ensure the stability of the structure, help with precise pile placement, and lower the chance of misalignment.

Pilot hole drilling costs can differ greatly depending on a number of factors. These consist of the kind of soil, the diameter and depth of the holes, and the particular project specifications. The drilling contractor’s experience and the drilling location can also have an impact on the final cost.

It’s critical to take these factors into account when budgeting for pilot hole drilling. By doing this, you can guarantee a solid foundation for your building project and prevent unforeseen costs. We’ll go into more detail about the variables influencing the prices in the sections that follow, along with offering helpful suggestions for efficiently controlling these expenses.

Question Answer
What is the drilling of pilot holes for piles? Drilling pilot holes for piles involves creating small, initial holes in the ground where the piles will be installed. This helps guide the piles into place, ensuring they go in straight and to the correct depth.
What are the prices and what do they depend on? The prices for drilling pilot holes vary based on factors like soil type, hole depth, location, and the equipment used. Generally, costs can range from $50 to $200 per hole.

What it is?

The technological process of building wells at extremely deep depths with specialized equipment is called lead drilling. The foundation of the technology is the dynamic submersion of the sheet pile into the ground.

The tools are used to help drive supports deeper into the ground and also to prepare the ground for the construction of a bored foundation.

The foundation-laying process for heavy structures serves a variety of purposes, and leader drilling expedites and streamlines it.

In what situations is it required?

When statistical indentation installations are not able to handle the soil resistance in the area that is being built up, then it becomes economically feasible to use technology.

In certain geological circumstances, leader drilling is required to lay a power structure, or installing pits will take longer.

This pertains to soils that contain sizable amounts of rock clastics and leftover construction waste, which, in the event of a collision, normally result in the destruction of the load-bearing element’s tip.

The Russian Federation’s central regions frequently have areas where the foundation depth is between 6 and 7 meters and the bearing layer is a layer of high-density sand up to 2 meters thick. In such soil, only leader drilling rigs are appropriate for building a power structure.

The technology is applied not only in regions with extremely hard rocks but also in regions with clay soil and oversaturated moisture. It is challenging to achieve the required stability of the foundation because the structure of such soil lacks rigid connections. In this instance, the leader rig is in charge of both immersion and upholding the necessary angle during pile installation.

When building in subzero ambient temperatures or in permafrost soil, leader drilling is a financially viable technique for drilling wells. In these situations, heating the soil with steam or electric current is an alternative technique, but they come with high labor and material costs.

Service cost

The following factors affect the service’s cost:

  • well parameters,
  • foundation dimensions,
  • soil characteristics,
  • complexity of work and other additional factors.

The following table displays average market prices for a rough estimate of foundation laying costs:

Well diameter, mm Cost of work, rub./m. pog.
150 290
180 320
200 355
230 370
250 430
270 470
300 500
320 540
350 600
370 350
400 690
450 750
500 830
550 900

What"s included in the estimate?

The entire scope of technological operations is reflected in the computation of future costs:

  • bringing special equipment to the site;
  • direct auger drilling;
  • deepening piles or filling prepared wells for the foundation with mortar;
  • inspection of finished pits;
  • penetration of equipment through the site (counted per linear meter).

The quantity, diameter, and depth of the wells are also listed in the document. The cost of drilling may differ based on the site’s density and degree of remoteness.

Application area

Utilizing well-leader technology in the following domains:

  1. Residential and industrial construction.
  2. Sheet piling fencing of trenches and pits.
  3. Construction of above-ground and underground engineering structures.
  4. Installation of structures for various purposes on the water.

A vital stage in building is pilot hole drilling, which directs the installation of foundational supports, guaranteeing the stability and safety of structures. Preliminary holes are made as part of the process to aid in precise pile positioning, avoid misalignment, and lower the possibility of structural failure. Pilot hole drilling costs can vary greatly depending on a number of factors, including the type of soil, hole depth, equipment type, and project location. Comprehending these factors facilitates the process of planning and budgeting for prosperous construction endeavors.

Regulatory requirements SNiP

The following regulatory requirements found in SP and SNiP govern well drilling:

  • construction of pile foundations – SNiP 2.02.03-85;
  • organization of work – SNiP 12-01-2004;
  • labor safety – SNiP 12-03-2001;
  • design of load-bearing structures – SP 50-102-2003;
  • geodetic works – SNiP 3.01.03-84 (SP 126.13330.2017) etc.d.


The diameter and depth of the well must be known before beginning geodetic work in order to determine the appropriate sheet pile size.

Technology indicates that the structural element’s size is different from the well parameters, specifically:

  1. The depth of the leader hole is 10% less than the length of the pile.
  2. The section of the sheet pile should be 30–50 mm larger than the diameter of the well. The exception is rocky soils, for which the diameter of the supporting elements and the hole can be the same.

To prevent soil collapse into the trunk of an adjacent well due to vibration during drilling, it is important to carefully choose the maximum step between the piles during the design stage.

Technical equipment

Use mobile installations and auger equipment—piling units outfitted with a tubular, rod diesel hammer or vibratory hammer (USA Kraz-250K, UMMC 12, BM-811, KBURG 16 and other models)—when leader drilling pits on a pile foundation.

The apparatus may be equipped with a tracked or wheeled self-propelled transport base. Because of their size and restricted mobility on the construction site, tracked units are used less often. Wheeled vehicles are able to navigate the site with speed and freedom.

Drilling rotators can be used in place of pile hammers, and during work, there is no need to manually select the soil because it is raised to the surface by screw blades and subsequently removed from the site by graders or excavators.

Compound or continuous augers can be used for drilling. A well can be developed in a single pass in the first scenario. Telescopic extensions are used if the pit’s design calls for a deeper depth.

The selection of piling tools enables you to build wells precisely in line with the intended use.

Stages of work

The foundation’s leader well drilling procedure can be broken down into the following technological phases:

  1. Installation of equipment at design points.
  2. Alignment of auger and well axes.
  3. Direct drilling.
  4. Removal of excavated soil.
  5. Installation of piles (if included in the project).
  6. Expert assessment of the work done.

Large-scale hole drilling followed by pile driving may cause the walls of nearby open cavities to collapse. As a result, they create wells and set up supports one by one.

Bentonite solution or casing pipes are used when working with loose, wet, and unstable soils during the well development process to prevent potential ground collapses. Sands and sandy loams are protected using the first option; the solution’s composition is chosen in accordance with the local geology.

Casing pipes are typically utilized when installing bored supports in highly moist soils and in situations where underground sources are near to one another. In this instance, soil from the well’s bottom will be extracted by the auger column rotating inside the casing.

Pros and cons of technology

The following are some of the technology’s benefits:

  1. The method makes it possible to construct pits of larger diameter and immerse supporting elements to a significant depth in difficult geological conditions: with a bearing layer 2 m high of sand, coarse inclusions in the soil, as well as in soils of high deformations.
  2. During the process of drilling wells and driving piles, a clear alignment is maintained.
  3. Reduction of time and labor costs due to the operational operation of the installation, as well as the absence of the need for test drilling of a hole.
  4. Operating equipment creates significantly less shock and vibration loads than traditional pile driving technology.
  5. Due to the preliminary preparation of wells, the pointed end of the support element is not destroyed when immersed in the ground.

Apart from the drawbacks of current technology concerning the arrangement of entry and utilization of specialized tools, it is imperative to consider the potential for clay soil to become softer due to repeated vibrations. Consequently, the soil beneath the foundation’s supporting section may become softer and more fluid.

This site contains all of the information you require regarding the layout and building of a pile foundation.

Video on the topic of the article

The following video shows the leader drilling and driving piles process:

One of the most important steps in many building and renovation projects is drilling pilot holes for piles. It entails drilling pilot holes to direct the installation of piles, which are crucial for giving structures stability and support. Pilot hole drilling increases a building’s overall safety and helps prevent structural problems by ensuring that piles are positioned securely and correctly.

Pilot hole drilling costs for piles can differ greatly depending on a number of factors. The kind of soil, the diameter and depth of the holes, and the particular project requirements are important factors. The cost may also be impacted by the construction site’s location and the accessibility of specialized equipment. Generally speaking, deeper holes or more difficult soil will cost more.

Comprehending these factors that affect pricing is essential to efficient project planning and budgeting. Contractors can give more precise estimates and prevent unforeseen costs by taking into account variables like the type of soil and project specifications. A more seamless and effective process can be guaranteed if you know what to anticipate in terms of costs, regardless of the size of the project—from minor repairs to major construction.

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Timur Kiselev

Professional builder with 15 years of experience. I know everything about the construction of houses, cottages, bathhouses and other buildings. I will be happy to share my knowledge and experience with you.

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