Which grout for tiles is better??

The appearance and longevity of your tiled surfaces can be significantly affected by the grout you choose for your tiles. Choosing the best option for your project can be difficult with so many to choose from. Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of each type of grout will enable you to make an informed choice.

The correct grout will not only improve the look of your tiles but also shield them from damage, whether you are working on an outdoor patio, bathroom floor, or kitchen backsplash. Choosing the right grout depends heavily on a number of factors, including the type of tiles you are using, their location, and the width of the grout lines.

We will dissect the various varieties of grout in this post, covering urethane, epoxy, and cement-based grouts. We’ll go over the benefits and drawbacks of each type as well as offer advice on when to use it. By the time it’s all over, you’ll know exactly which grout is best for your tile job, guaranteeing a stunning and durable result.

What is grout

The richness of the Russian language is evident to everyone who has even a passing familiarity with it. The word grout’s morphological analysis supports the diversity as well. Many interpretations are provided by dictionaries:

  • flour porridge;
  • last plastering operation;
  • a special mixture for sealing the joints between the laid tiles. Another term is sometimes used: "fugue".

We are curious about the final explanation. Here is a more thorough explanation of how the idea is interpreted: A whole class of construction materials called grout is used to fill the spaces between tiles.

The main step in the technical process is to place a plastic mass in the spaces left between the laid cladding. This mass is glued to the tile’s edges and hardens during the setting or drying process. Consequently, the formation of a waterproof partition shields the tile adhesive from moisture. Thanks to unique additives, the fugue does not shrink during the hardening process. No cracks, no shrinkage.

To seal the installation completely is the aim.


The fugue serves a number of crucial purposes:

  • protects the seams between tiles from moisture and dirt;
  • masks defects in facing material;
  • strengthens the masonry, extending the service life of the cladding;
  • prevents the development of pathogenic microflora (mold, fungus);
  • adds completeness to the laid ceramics, covering gaps in joints and giving an additional decorative effect to the facing material.

Types of grout

There are numerous varieties of fugue available in the building materials market from manufacturers. Even experts find it challenging to comprehend them. They are unable to provide a thorough description of the purchased item because they frequently do not know the components of the grouting composition. Let me try to explain.

The grout may be made of:

  • cement. Based on Portland cement. Filler: sifted sand. This is the most common version of the fugue;
  • cement-polymer. The basis of such grouts is a cement-sand mortar, into which modifiers and plasticizers from various polymers are added;

Be aware that a lot of professionals mix the first two varieties of grout with cement grout.

  • letex. Again the same cement-sand mixture, but diluted not with water, but with liquid latex. The composition of the fugue becomes waterproof and more durable;
  • epoxy. Consists of two components: epoxy resins and hardener. After the advent of special washes, it began to actively displace other types of grout mixtures;
  • polyurethane – ready-to-use water-dispersion composition of polyurethane resins;
  • silicate. Based on liquid glass. Looks impressive when grouting mosaics;
  • silicone. It is more of a sealant than a fugue, although it is used quite often;
  • furanic. Because of the black color it is rarely used, and it is difficult to find on sale. Produced mainly for industrial construction.

Cement grout

Cement is the most widely used mixture for tile jointing. Portland cement can be either white or gray in this situation.


Powdered cement fugue is marketed for sale. It consists of:

  • Portland cement;
  • modifiers and plasticizers;
  • coloring pigments;
  • additives that regulate the setting speed;
  • quartz sand – added to grout for gaps wider than 5 mm. In the absence of sand additives, the formed seam will crack.

The powder is diluted to a consistency similar to medium-fat sour cream with water (you can use latex, but that’s a different kind of grout).

Advantages and disadvantages

Fugue based on cement has advantages and disadvantages. Among the benefits are:

  • budget price option – the lowest in this class of construction products;
  • simple preparation and application – homeowners, without experience, can independently perform this technological operation. The main thing here is to know the theory – practice is easy;
  • high strength;
  • good wear resistance, which is important for the floor;
  • slow setting, which allows you to correct the seams and clean the surface of the tile;
  • the ability of a white cement-based fugue to maintain whiteness throughout its entire service life (not turn yellow);
  • possibility of restoring seams if defects appear.
  • hygroscopicity – the porous surface absorbs moisture well, and with it dirt and rust, due to which mold and mildew may appear in the seams. Therefore, it is not used in rooms with high humidity;
  • shrinkage when gaining strength – adjustments are constantly required in certain places;
  • slow setting is the other side of the coin: the next technological pass is possible after 6-8 hours, and complete hardening occurs within 6-7 days;
  • color change (lightens) by 1-2 tones after drying;
  • limited color palette (shown in the photo);

  • poor resistance to household chemicals that contain acids.

Application area

The cement mixture used to fill in the spaces between tiles can be used for tiles, porcelain stoneware, natural stone, mosaics, and other applications both inside and outside the building, as long as it is kept out of direct sunlight to prevent tearing during frosts. They are rubbed inside:

  • apron in the kitchen;
  • walls in the toilet, on the balcony and loggia;
  • floor in corridors, toilets, kitchens and balconies (loggias).

It is not advised by experts to use it in the restroom or next to the sink. Additionally, it should not be used for joints that connect the floor to the walls because there is no elasticity and the gaps are thought to be movable (scientifically known as deformation). This implies that the frozen stone will either rip off the wall or floor or crumble.

Application method

A rubber spatula is used to rub the mixture into the seam. To get rid of cement residue, the tile’s surface is cleaned with a moist sponge after it has set.

Be advised that cement-polymer fugue is also a member of this family. offered ready-made. It has slightly different strengths and weaknesses, as well as an apparent water-repellent effect. Professionals don’t like it because it costs more and eventually loses its properties. However, there is no direct correlation between quality degradation and production time.


For filling in spaces between tiles, latex grout is a dry cement mixture that has been diluted with liquid latex rather than water. Grout’s entirely distinct technical and functional qualities have led to its classification as an independent type. offered prepared for consumption.


The following are the parts of latex emulsion:

  • cement gray or white;
  • plasticizers;
  • modifiers;
  • dyes;
  • additives;
  • liquid latex made from natural or artificial rubber particles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Fugue gains new benefits when latex is used in place of water.

  • water-repellent effect;
  • plasticity – restores shape after compression;
  • elasticity – withstands heavy bending loads;
  • variety of colors and shades – beautifully painted;
  • resistance to vibrations and deformations;
  • resistance to cracking – you can easily seal a seam up to 10 mm wide;
  • does not react with household chemicals;
  • retains its original color for a long time;
  • easily tolerates sudden changes in temperature and humidity.

Significant drawbacks also exist:

  • the cost is at the top of the price sector – not a cheap pleasure. Therefore, it is rarely used in its pure form. Used mainly as additives to cement compositions;
  • difficult to remove from the surface of the tile – cloudy stains always remain;
  • afraid of steam – it is better not to use it in the area of ​​the hob;

Application area

The application of latex fugue is unrestricted. It is present on both vertical and horizontal surfaces in the kitchen, loggia, bathroom, and commode. Functions well in an unglazed balcony and over a "warm floor."

Skilled finishers reinforce the cement grout layer on top rather than using latex emulsion to seal the seams.

Application method

The same technology as cement compositions is used for application. Cleaning the tile surface of the emulsion presents challenges because the stains don’t go away quickly.


Epoxy resin and hardener are combined to create epoxy grout. The liquid resin is mixed with a variety of additives to achieve the required quality characteristics. Additionally, their quantity and composition might vary, which has an impact on the primary operational features. For example, the maximum seam width that can be sealed depends on the amount of sand added.


Epoxy grouts consist of two parts. They are thus offered in two containers for sale. One includes:

  • epoxy resin;
  • filler – fine quartz sand;
  • plasticizer;
  • dye.

An acid or amine hardener is contained in a different jar.

Advantages and disadvantages

Epoxy grout offers a lot of benefits.

  • strength – in this indicator it is comparable to tile adhesive;
  • durability – retains color and performance for 35-50 years;
  • versatility – you can seal seams between all known types of tiles: ceramics, porcelain stoneware, glass, etc.d.;
  • good waterproofing properties – no water gets into the gaps sealed with epoxy. Consequently, there is no possibility for mold and mildew to develop;
  • resistance to deformation – you can seal the joints between the floor and the wall and the seams between tiles glued to drywall;
  • elasticity – does not crack during hardening;
  • a wide choice of colors, up to “metallic” and “chameleons”;
  • durability:
  1. to household chemicals;
  2. fading under direct sunlight;
  3. sudden changes in temperature and humidity.
  • excellent decorative properties.

While there are drawbacks as well, they are minor:

  • high price – the cost is about 5 times higher than cement mixtures. But this is exactly the option when the price corresponds to the quality, despite the fact that you will have to additionally purchase a remover;
  • Difficulty in application: it is difficult to rub in with a spatula due to the high viscosity; skills are required;
  • low heat resistance – begins to flow down at a temperature of 70-80 o C. But such indoor temperatures are only possible in the event of a fire. Therefore, in civil engineering this feature of the epoxy joint is not paid attention to;
  • difficult to remove from tile surface. Anyone who has ever tried it knows what we are talking about;
  • skill is required when correcting the seam – it hardens quickly.

Application area

After combining with a hardener, epoxy fugue becomes a dense, practically limitless mass that can be used:

  • apron in the kitchen;
  • walls and floor in the bathroom;
  • pool;
  • laboratory.

They are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use with a variety of cladding materials, such as metal, wood, and glass. Some experts seal the seam and adhere the mosaic to the epoxy fugue at the same time.

Application method

There are a lot of subtleties in this kind of fugue, so it’s not for novice tilemakers.

  • It hardens quickly, so you need to dilute it in small parts. But it’s even better to buy in small packaging so as not to make a mistake with the proportions of the components.
  • Violation of proportions leads to a change:
  1. transparency;
  2. hardening time;
  3. hardness;
  4. homogeneity;
  5. durability.
  • Apply to a dry, dust-free and dirt-free seam. If the condition is not met, adhesion to the tile deteriorates. True, this level of adhesion is enough for successful operation of the cladding.
  • The high viscosity of the composition makes work difficult for people with insufficient experience.
  • It is difficult to remove resin residue from the tile surface. Even using special washes, this will take a lot of time.

Specialists have not used the traditional method of using a spatula to rub into the gap recently. The epoxy is pressed into the seam via a unique bag—similar to a pastry bag—that has an opening.

Important: epoxy compounds are the ideal grout for bathroom tiles, so you don’t need to think long to choose one.


Not even expert finishers are familiar with polyurethane grout, which is only now being sold. As such, not much research has been done on the fugue. Based on the information at hand, let us attempt to provide you with more details about the new product. To be clear, however, the site editors have no idea how the mixture will behave in the seam in five or ten years. Nothing to report.

Because there aren’t any statistics to draw conclusions, the text will consequently have an advertisement brochure-like appearance, which is unavoidable at this point. Ultimately, there are significant differences between operating conditions in real life and laboratory testing.


The following elements make up the water-dispersed solution’s foundation:

  • polyurethane resins;
  • pigmented (colored) quartz sand of the finest fraction;
  • water.

Advantages and disadvantages

Based on laboratory experiments and preliminary experience, we can make some inferences regarding the mixture’s advantages and disadvantages when it comes to gap sealing with polyurethane resins. Advantages:

  • sold ready-made, which eliminates the problem of stirring;
  • high strength – higher than cement analogs, but lower than epoxy;
  • easily rubbed into gaps of any size: from 1 to 10 mm;
  • has a water-repellent effect – water will not get inside the seam or behind the tiles, and, therefore, mold and mildew will not develop;
  • has excellent adhesion to all types of finishing materials: ceramics, natural stone, glass, wood, metal;
  • easily removed from the surface of the tile after forming the seam;
  • does not crack due to vibrations and deformation of finishing materials – you can seal the seams between the wall and the floor;
  • the color does not fade during use (data obtained based on laboratory tests);

  • dries for a long time – there is time to correct flaws;
  • rubs in easily – home craftsmen constantly talk about this on forums (unless it’s an option for an advertising campaign, then.To. The site team members have no personal experience).
  • dries slowly: the next technological pass is possible after 24 hours, complete drying takes a week (as we see, the same property is both a plus and a minus);
  • is destroyed by chlorine and alcohol-containing detergents;
  • it is expensive – the price is about 2.5 times higher than cement fugues, but 2 times cheaper than epoxy;
  • compositions for interior work cannot be used outside, as there is a warning on the packaging.

Application area

The grouting material is used on the exterior (facade, unglazed balcony, stairs, terrace) and interior (kitchen, bathroom, toilet) of the building on both horizontal (simple and "warm floor") and vertical surfaces.

Application method

Using standard technology, an narrow rubber spatula is used to rub the emulsion into the seams.


In wet rooms, silicone grout is just a silicone-based sealant used to seal joints between the wall and the floor; it has the exact same functional properties. Marketers’ creativity led to the appearance of the word grout in the brand.


Silicone fugue is a complex composition. Numerous elements are added to it:

  • silicone rubber – base;
  • plasticizer – gives the composition elasticity;
  • vulcanizer – provides viscosity;
  • primer to enhance adhesion (adhesion force);
  • strength enhancer;
  • dyes;
  • fungicides – kill mold and mildew.

Advantages and disadvantages

Because silicone-based grout has the following benefits, experts use it:

  • high level of adhesion with finishing materials made of ceramics, wood, glass, concrete, plastic, metal;
  • good elasticity – allows the material to stretch in expansion joints without shifting or tearing away from the base;
  • strength;
  • moisture resistance;
  • absence of shrinkage during setting;
  • Quite a large selection of colors.
  • high price – only problem areas are rubbed;
  • fast setting – skill is required to quickly form a beautiful seam. After all, nothing can be corrected later. Only removal followed by repeated jointing;
  • mold and mildew grow well on the surface of silicone, despite fungicidal additives;
  • stains are difficult to remove – you need acetone and a safety razor blade;
  • discoloration due to detergents.

Application area

Corner seams and joints connecting the floor to the wall are processed using the fugue method. Suitable for sealing shower trays and bathtub edges as well.

Application method

Crammed through a tube and into the opening from the tube. Sets up fast. As a result, you must quickly form a seam and trim any excess. If you are inexperienced, we suggest applying masking tape near the edge of the tile. Remove as soon as the seam is formed and before the mixture solidifies.


Silicate fugue can be derived from two distinct substances that vary depending on the application area:

  • liquid glass – used in civil engineering;
  • mineral-inorganic compounds – used in the construction of workshops, laboratories and other production sites. Almost never found in retail.


The following are the components of the population’s silicate fugue:

  • acid-resistant powder;
  • sodium fluoride;
  • liquid glass;
  • coloring pigments.

Available for purchase as an emulsion that is ready to use and as a dry mixture.

Advantages and disadvantages

The following are some benefits of grout:

  • durability:
  1. to chemicals found in everyday life;
  2. abrasion;
  3. humidity;
  4. temperature changes.
  • good adhesion with finishing materials;
  • high strength.

Customers only point out one drawback: the emulsion is deemed necessary for mosaics, particularly colorless ones, but is not very aesthetically pleasing for tiles of any color.

Application area

The fugue is highly resistant to the whims of nature, making it suitable for use both indoors and outdoors. Ideal for using with transparent mosaics, porcelain tiles, natural and artificial stone, and spaces between tiles.

Application method

Using a rubber spatula, the emulsion is grouted into the joint. The tile surface can be easily cleaned of traces.


Furan grout is made for industrial construction; it is nearly impossible to find in retail stores. Furan grout is designed for extreme operating conditions.


The grout emulsion’s peculiar ingredients are as follows:

  • Portland cement;
  • liquid latex;
  • furan resin.

The emulsion resembles epoxy compounds both to the touch and in appearance when applied. However, its performance is far superior to that of epoxy.

Advantages and disadvantages

Enumerating the benefits of furan grout would be pointless, as there are no tile cladding operating conditions in which the furan mixture cannot perform its functions. Furthermore, the application procedure is not overly difficult.

Retail sales are hindered by disadvantages:

  • black color – there are no others, and cannot be;
  • toxic fumes as temperatures rise;
  • high price;
  • complex searches – comes into trade extremely rarely;
  • the need to cover the surface of the tile with wax before jointing – otherwise nothing will remove the remaining emulsion from the lining.

Application area

It is incredibly uncommon in residential building. Reviews on the forums indicate that it works perfectly in the bathroom, unheated cottages and garages, and on uncovered balconies. Industrial workshops with vibration, acids, alkalis, high temperatures, and humidity are the primary application areas. But a decent hood is necessary.

Application method

Standard technology must be used to rub the emulsion. We already talked about the necessity of waxing the tiles.

The durability and appearance of your tiled surfaces can be greatly improved by selecting the proper grout for your tiles. It’s important to know the differences between cement-based, epoxy, and urethane grouts when tiling a bathroom, kitchen, or outdoor area. Every variety has advantages and disadvantages, ranging from moisture and stain resistance to ease of application. You can choose the best grout to guarantee a durable, attractive finish by taking into account elements like location, tile type, and your level of do-it-yourself expertise.

Recommendations for selection

To choose the appropriate material for jointing gaps in tile cladding, the information above is sufficient.

  • For dry areas of the wall (kitchen splashback, bathroom, glazed balcony), a regular powdered cement mixture is sufficient.
  • Rooms with damp conditions, where tiles are constantly in contact with water or steam, are recommended to be jointed with polyurethane or latex compounds. Epoxy will also work.
  • Expansion joints and troubled surfaces are sealed with latex, polyurethane or furan fugue.
  • For heated floors, it is advisable to use a polyurethane or latex mixture – cement fugue is too hard and may crack.
  • Depending on the width of the seam, the following are purchased:
  1. for gaps up to 3 mm wide – plastic compositions without mineral fillers (sand);
  2. gaps of 4-6 mm – any mixtures filled with sand of the finest fraction;
  3. wide paths from 10 to 20 mm will require a cement fugue with the addition of plasticizers and coarse quartz sand.
  • Tile with a glossy surface is afraid of compositions with sand. Here you need a latex or polyurethane mixture. You can also use finely ground cement without mineral filler.
  • Mosaic and glass tiles are best jointed with epoxy.
  • For tiles with a textured surface, it is advisable to buy cement-sand grout. Ready-made mixtures lead to excessive consumption of material – a lot of it remains on the surface of the cladding.

Here, everything is evident. The most difficult decisions come when deciding which tile grout to use based on color.

What grout color to choose

In this case, the easiest course of action is to advise customers to purchase fugu that suits their preferences. However, there are a few design guidelines that will guide you through multicolored combinations.

  1. A light (gray or beige) shade unifies the pattern on the tiles, simultaneously visually increasing the size of the room.
  2. It is better to grout floor tiles with darker mixtures – dirt is less visible.
  3. Dark-colored joints highlight the color and texture of the tiles well.
  4. Walls with plain tiles look good with a fugue 1-2 colors lighter or darker than the tiles.
  5. Patchwork tiles are best grouted with transparent compounds.
  6. Multi-color panels will receive even greater expressiveness from the “chameleon” mixture.
  7. The contrasting shade of the seam will emphasize the color scheme of the cladding.

You can choose the grout color that matches the tiles with the assistance of a special program found here.

The best manufacturers

When buying grout, consumers are often surprised to learn that there are several dozen different brands available in the building materials market. One could easily become lost in them. Numerous websites provide their rankings of the top manufacturers to aid in your selection. A list of the top grouts is also supplied by the StroyGuru portal’s editors. However, this time I made the decision to concentrate on my experience dealing with the site team members’ fugue rather than the views of experts and customers. The list is subjective in nature and not intended as an advertisement; experts’ opinions may differ from it.


Professionals and do-it-yourselfers alike prefer "Ceresit" grout from the Henkel company. Available for various working environments (horizontal and vertical surfaces, normal to high humidity, indoor and outdoor work), as well as for a range of tile joint widths (up to 5, 10, 15, and 20 mm).

There are several varieties produced:

  • cement – CE 33, 40, 43, 79;
  • silicone (SC);
  • two-component epoxy (R).

The best properties in the offered line, in the opinion of the site staff, are "Ultra-Pox," "CE 43 Super Strong," and "CE 40 Aquastatic."

Advantages are:

  • a wide selection of types of fugue, covering any consumer needs, including seam width;
  • many colors;
  • simple rubbing;
  • the presence of antiseptic additives that prevent the appearance of fungus and mold;
  • long pot life of the mixture (about 1 hour);
  • compatibility with “warm floor”;
  • resistance to deformation.

Additionally, there are drawbacks:

  • drying, changes color slightly;
  • has a fairly high price;
  • It takes a long time to gain strength – you can walk on the tiles only after 8 hours;
  • the mixture is very demanding on the amount of water. Violation of proportions in any direction worsens technical and operational properties.


The epoxy grout (manufactured under the trademark "Starlike"), which can be used to grout joints between marble, porcelain, glass block, tile, and mosaic surfaces, is the reason why the site’s experts highlighted the brand.

Fits joints up to 14 mm in width. Once solidified, it produces a dense yet elastic seam. Totally resists abrasion, deformation, and exposure to harsh chemicals. In the line, the best are:

  • “Crystal C 350” – durable, transparent “Chameleon” joint (reflects the color of the tile). The effect is achieved by introducing an inert gas into the composition. The seam looks very beautiful with sparkles;
  • "Defender"
  • "Epoxystuk X90".

Furthermore, cement fugue, also known as "Litochrom," is also produced, although the quality is comparable to that of most producers.

  • excellent waterproofing properties;
  • does not react with detergents;
  • good level of adhesion to tiles;
  • high quality – grouting is done on modern equipment made in Germany;
  • is produced separately for professionals and novice finishers (home craftsmen);

Among the drawbacks, the following must be mentioned:

  • high price;
  • the composition is removed from the surface of the tile with great difficulty (a special remover is needed);
  • it is difficult to rub into seams due to its thick consistency – it resembles chewing gum;
  • hardens quickly – in about 20 minutes, during which you need to correct the seam and wipe the tile;
  • Most compounds are designed for thin joints – up to 3 mm.

Important: The company’s products are the best option if you need to choose a grout for bathroom tiles.


Russia is home to businesses that make epoxy fugue and cement. The product’s quality is entirely on par with German-made equivalents. Suitable for outdoor and indoor use (resistant to frost). You can grout seams as wide as two centimeters because of the coarse-grained structure.

The seam itself takes on a pleasing appearance once it dries; it becomes smooth, even, and uniformly colored. Most of the time, jointing is not necessary.

Because of unique additives that lessen the grout’s force of adhesion to the tile, it is simple to apply, clean up, and wash off from the surface. By the way, grout consumption can be greatly decreased by this effect.

  • excellent quality;
  • wide seams can be sealed;
  • easy to apply;
  • economical consumption;
  • the jointing process is carried out in a short time;
  • reasonable price due to the absence of a large burden of transportation and customs duties.
  • despite our own production, it is sometimes difficult to buy in Russia – they are not available in the retail chain;
  • special drying technology that must be followed;
  • insufficiently wide choice of colors – only 8 tones;
  • you can grout seams at temperatures from +10 to +30 o C;
  • complete drying occurs within 7 days.

"MAPEI" S.p.A.

Across a range of ratings, the Italian manufacturer’s product is ranked highest. It is prized for its superior quality because it resists strong temperature swings from minus to +40°C, does not fade, and is unafraid of harsh chemicals. It also maintains its elasticity even when the tiles are deformed.

The two-component epoxy fugue, which is useful for both indoor and outdoor work, is especially well-liked. Customers find that the following are the benefits of the company’s product the most:

  • having a choice between dry powder and ready-to-use solution (emulsion);
  • a large color palette, including several unusual color schemes: “Volcanic Ash”, “Ocean Blue”, “London Grey”, “Manhattan 2000”, etc.;
  • good abrasion resistance;
  • that the floor can be walked on within 3 hours after jointing;
  • quick drying – about a day;
  • resistance to moisture.

  • fast setting. There are two problems here:
  1. have time to adjust the seam before hardening;
  2. develop the prepared composition in a short time – the lifespan of the fugue is about 45 minutes.
  • high price.


Three varieties of grout are produced by the Polish company Atlas:

  • cement;
  • cement, but with a special effect: shine;
  • epoxy two-component.

You can make colors stable and resistant to fading by using COLOR PROTECT technology. The mixture gains hydrophobic qualities from the addition of the additive "EFEKT PERLENIA," and mold growth is inhibited by the fungicide "MYKO BARIERA."

Among the benefits are:

  • ease of care – dirt can be easily and simply removed;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • high elasticity – you can close gaps on unstable surfaces;
  • versatility – can be used inside and outside (kitchens, bathrooms, balconies, terraces) for all types of tiles: ceramic, natural stone, porcelain stoneware;
  • large selection of colors.

Experts list the inability to maintain a flat surface with a seam width of more than 6 mm as one of the drawbacks; reviews on the forums attest to this. Positive evaluations are also available for the following brands:

  • "Sopro" – high-quality fugue from Germany with a varied assortment;
  • “Unis” – high-quality, waterproof cement grout;
  • Knauf is a manufacturer of popular cement-based grout from Germany;
  • "Kiilto" is one of the underrated types of grout. In all ratings it is in the TOP 10, but members of the portal team did not work with it;
  • “Isomat” is a good quality product of Greek origin.

Flow calculation

In reality, there are a few ways to figure out how much fugue is needed:

  • mathematical;
  • using a calculator on the websites of fugue manufacturers;
  • according to the table;
  • experimental.


Data on grout consumption per square meter is provided in every grout package. However, these are mean figures. The length, width, and depth of the joints vary greatly in real life. You must therefore perform your own calculations. The simplest method is to apply the following formula:

M is equal to (A + B) x C x S x q / (A x B).

  • M—grout weight, kg;
  • A is the length of the tile edge, cm;
  • B—tile rib width, cm;
  • C—tile thickness, cm;
  • S—seam width, cm;
  • q—composition density, kg/cm3 .

There should be a 10% increase in the results obtained. This factor accounts for unanticipated costs. After all, something might fall on the floor, some grout might stay on the cladding’s surface and need to be cleaned off, etc.

As an example, consider the specific gravity of some grout types:

  • "LITOKOL" Starlike – 1.55;
  • "KERAKOLL" Fugalite Eco – 1.55;
  • "KESTO" Kiilto – 1.6;
  • "MAPEI" Ultracolor Plus – 1.6;
  • "MAPEI" Kerapoxy Design – 1.6;
  • "Ceresit" CE33, CE40, CE43 – 1.75;
  • "LITOKOL" Litochrom Luxury – 1.9;
  • "LITOKOL" Litochrom – 1.9.

Online calculator

The simplest method, if you have access to the Internet, is to visit the manufacturer’s website and use this calculator to determine how much grouting is needed.


Use the table below if you’re too lazy to count.

Grouting needs calculated in Table 1.

Options appropriate for standard tiles, including a table and calculator. Independent calculations are needed experimentally when adjusting the thickness of tiles or ceramics with oblique angles (such as honeycomb, fish scales, rhombus, and trapezoid).


It should be noted right away that the suggested approach is the most precise. The final result is that the seams are filled with a precisely measured volume of finished or dry grout. The treated area of the cladding is measured after the full fugue has been used.

Then it’s all easy: just divide the total cladding area by the square footage of the joined tiles, then multiply the result by the grout weight.

Type of Grout Best For
Cement-based Grout Standard indoor tiling like bathrooms and kitchens
Epoxy Grout High moisture areas and places needing strong stain resistance like shower floors
Furan Resin Grout Industrial settings or places exposed to harsh chemicals
Urethane Grout Residential floors and walls where flexibility and stain resistance are important
Latex-modified Grout Areas with slight movement or where extra durability is needed

The durability and overall appearance of your tiled surfaces can be greatly impacted by the grout you choose for your tiles. Knowing the various types of grout and how to use them is crucial whether you’re working on a decorative mosaic, a bathroom floor, or a kitchen backsplash.

Grouts based on cement are widely used due to their versatility and ease of use. Although they need to be sealed to avoid stains and moisture damage, they are a good option for the majority of home projects. Although epoxy grouts are more costly and require more labor during application, they are perfect for high-traffic areas and surfaces that are exposed to moisture because of their exceptional durability and resistance to stains and chemicals.

Urethane grout is a viable option if you’re searching for something more flexible, particularly for areas that see a lot of movement. Pre-mixed, simple to apply, and sealing-free, it’s a handy choice for do-it-yourself projects.

The type of tile you’re using and your particular needs will ultimately determine the best grout for your project. You can choose a grout that matches your tiles and guarantees long-lasting beauty and functionality by considering variables like location, moisture exposure, and aesthetic preferences.

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Timur Kiselev

Professional builder with 15 years of experience. I know everything about the construction of houses, cottages, bathhouses and other buildings. I will be happy to share my knowledge and experience with you.

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