Why do windows on balconies and loggias sweat after insulation??

Have you noticed that your windows begin to sweat after insulating your loggia or balcony? This is a frequent problem that many homeowners deal with, and it can be very annoying. Finding a solution requires first understanding why this occurs.

Sweating windows on insulated loggias and balconies are typically caused by variations in humidity and temperature. Although insulation keeps a space warmer, it can also hold moisture inside. The result is the well-known phenomenon of foggy windows as this moisture condenses on the colder window surfaces.

Ventilation is an additional consideration. A space that has been insulated is frequently made more airtight, which is excellent for energy efficiency but not so good for controlling moisture. Inadequate ventilation may lead to an increase in humidity, which in turn may result in condensation on windows.

We will delve deeper into the causes of window condensation on insulated balconies and loggias in this article. We will also offer helpful advice on how to lessen and avoid this problem so you can always have a clear view out of your windows.

Reason Explanation
Poor Ventilation Without proper airflow, moisture builds up and condenses on windows.
Temperature Differences Insulation can create significant temperature differences between inside and outside, leading to condensation.
High Humidity Insulated spaces can trap humidity, causing water to condense on the cooler window surfaces.
Improper Insulation If insulation is not done correctly, it can cause cold spots where condensation forms.
Lack of Air Circulation Closed spaces with no air movement can lead to moisture accumulation on windows.

Where exactly can it appear on insulated?

The property owner might observe the development of condensation on the following areas of your window design during the first season following the insulation of the cold circuit:

  1. The traditional place for fogging of most translucent structures is the inner plane of the glass unit. The material has a high density and homogeneous structure, which affects the increased thermal conductivity value.
  2. Material for filling the installation seam along the perimeter of the window unit at the points where it interfaces with the end of the opening in the outer wall.
  3. The bottom of the window structure is in the area where the window sill board is installed, especially if its width is more than 150 mm, or it is installed with poor-quality seam filling.
  4. The line where the tilt-and-turn sash joins the main profile of the window frame, in case of incorrect adjustment of the fittings.
  5. The slope plane in the area of ​​the piers or lintels, which indicates improper installation of the window frame – to the point where the dew point forms in the body of the enclosing structure.
  6. If there are aluminum windows, condensation can form along the entire plane of the profile, if there is no polymer thermal break in its design.
  7. Delamination of energy-efficient double-glazed windows, which causes moisture to enter the air chambers and, as a result, fog them up.

Note: Although there is always a rational explanation for these issues, condensation on an insulated balcony is not typical. Such circumstances necessitate quick action and restoration.


When any of the following scenarios take place, condensation develops on cold circuit window units following insulation:

  1. Increased humidity in the used space. This problem is especially relevant when connecting a balcony room to a full-service kitchen.
  2. Lack of full supply and exhaust ventilation with a tedious air exchange rate in a warm room.
  3. Insufficiently effective insulation of enclosing structures, including window units – the specific resistance to heat transfer is lower than the required value.
  4. Lack of an additional heating radiator under the strip glazing of the insulated balcony.
  5. The window sill board is too wide, which significantly limits the free convection of warm air.
  6. Poor quality sealing of installation gaps after insulation and replacement of the translucent structure. Lack of a vapor-permeable sealing membrane around the perimeter of the junction of dissimilar structures.
  7. The absence of full-fledged movable doors, which makes it difficult to ventilate the room through slots.
  8. Neglecting the need to install supply valves at the junction of the sash and the profile.
  9. No dehumidifier in the room.
  10. Rare use of heated space, which leads to stagnation of air masses.
  11. Having a large number of indoor plants, which requires watering and. as a result, affects the temperature and humidity conditions.
  12. Significant temperature difference between the street and the new warm room.

Vital. The removal of this kind of flaw necessitates a precise determination of the root cause of window structure fogging, following a comprehensive investigation of all potential trouble spots.


After being insulated and connected to the room, condensation on the glazing components of balconies or loggias may have the following unfavorable effects:

  1. The occurrence of mold on slopes and other adjacent structures.
  2. Reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, which leads to a deterioration in the well-being of residents.
  3. Destruction of plaster, putty and paint elements.
  4. The occurrence of unpleasant odors.
  5. Reduced energy efficiency of the space being used.
  6. Increased costs to correct problems when installing forced ventilation.
  7. Deterioration of species characteristics.
  8. Accumulation of excess liquid on the windowsill, which also leads to the development of fungus.
  9. If there is water between the glasses in a single sealed block, gradual destruction of the butyl sealant and complete loss of the energy-saving properties of the translucent structure are possible.
  10. When using wooden windows, there is a risk of rotting of profile elements due to the development of fungus, which leads to gradual delamination of fibers in a humid environment.

If the issue is promptly identified and the required steps are taken to resolve it, the majority of the listed consequences can be avoided.

Vital. The consumer may have to replace the window unit entirely if they fail to notice the primary indicators of condensation on the windows and the ensuing damage to neighboring elements.

What to do if condensation forms?

The following solutions can be used to address the issue of moisture on the inner plane of translucent elements and nearby structures:

  1. Periodic ventilation of the room using swing-out doors.
  2. Installation of the supply valve at the locations of the polymer sealing tape between the window sash and the profile of the supporting frame.
  3. Equipping the room with an air conditioner, dehumidifier, supply and exhaust ventilation and other engineering systems that provide an increased air exchange rate.
  4. Installation of a short window sill that does not restrict the normal movement of air masses throughout the room in use. Warm air always rises upward along the translucent structure, which helps remove condensation due to heating of the glass.
  5. Installation of energy-saving films of the “third glass” type on the inside of the double-glazed window.
  6. Equipping internal glass with electric heating elements.
  7. Installation of an additional radiator directly under the former glazing of the cold circuit.
  8. Complete replacement of window structures with energy-efficient profiles and multi-chamber double-glazed windows filled with inert gases.
  9. Carrying out sealing of installation joints on the interior and façade sides.
  10. Treatment of the inner plane of the glass unit with special chemicals that are widely used in the automotive industry, which prevents them from fogging.

Using multiple of the listed methods at the same time will help to eliminate internal and external factors that interfere with the window unit’s and the new insulated room’s normal operation, leading to the desired outcome and maximum efficiency.

Because the insulation process creates a temperature difference between the inside and outside of the glass, windows on balconies and loggias frequently sweat after insulation. As a result, when warm, humid air from the interior strikes the colder glass surface, condensation forms. To avoid this frequent problem and guarantee a dry, comfortable environment, proper ventilation and moisture control are crucial.

Necessary materials

You will need the following consumables and organic or chemical compounds to remove the cause of window unit fogging on insulated balconies or loggias:

  1. Special anti-fog agents most commonly used in the automotive industry.
  2. Turpentine, glycerin, liquid or laundry soap, toothpaste, shaving cream and other well-known folk remedies for treating translucent elements that prevent condensation.
  3. Vapor permeable waterproofing tape
  4. Silicone or acrylic sealant.
  5. Polymer energy-efficient film.
  6. Polyurethane foam.
  7. Sealing tape PSUL for facade work.
  8. New sealing tape for glazing beads or sliding sash.
  9. Butyl sealant for sealing double-glazed windows.
  10. Sandwich panels with effective polystyrene insulation for slope insulation.
  11. Factory-made supply valve or do-it-yourself one.

Important: It’s advised to look closely at each product’s quality certificate when buying materials and liquids. The material must not include any toxic ingredients that, when heated, release toxic fumes that are harmful to children’s health or the health of allergy sufferers.

Step-by-step troubleshooting instructions

Defect elimination is carried out in accordance with various process maps, depending on the type of problem, the materials used to make the window unit’s frame, and the location of the condensation.

On glass

  1. Wiping the translucent element to remove all greasy stains and dirt.
  2. Applying toothpaste, aftershave cream, a solution of liquid soap, glycerin and turpentine. Drawing a mesh of soap and then rubbing the applied substances over the entire plane of the window.
  3. Application of anti-condensation chemicals according to the instructions for use.
  4. Gluing energy-saving films onto the window with further heat treatment with a hairdryer.

Increasing the air exchange rate in the room

To accomplish this, you must:

  1. Installation of new fittings for tilt-and-turn window sashes.
  2. Installation of a supply valve in the rebate areas, with partial removal of the sealing tape.
  3. Installation of an additional hood indoors. A device for complete supply and exhaust ventilation with mechanical drive, according to the required air exchange rate.
  4. Installing a dehumidifier.
  5. Installation of a split system or a modular air conditioner.
  6. Adjusting the locking pins of the window unit from summer to demi-season or winter mode.

Additional measures

Additionally, you can do the following actions:

  1. Installation of an electric or water heating radiator of rated power. Installing a fan heater in a new heated puritanism.
  2. Replacing a window sill board with a narrow framing element.
  3. Carrying out insulation of slopes of window blocks.
  4. Relocation of translucent structures to the dew point formation zone.
  5. Installation of self-adhesive tapes around the perimeter of the installation seam.
  6. Additional insulation of the facade from the outside of the building, after preliminary calculation of the energy efficiency of the room and the heat transfer resistance of the enclosing structures.
  7. Electric glass heating device with the organization of a dedicated line for connecting the system to the power cable network.

Vital. It is advised to contact professionals in the event that a radical alteration to the design of a translucent element is necessary. They will complete the task promptly, effectively, with the best materials, and offer a long-term guarantee for the outcome.

When it"s impossible to get rid of?

Sometimes the issue with moisture buildup on window units is so severe that it will be impossible to fully eradicate through restoration, repair, or preventive measures:

  1. If there are special technological processes in the room, for example, in the case of constant operation of the stove in the kitchen, or when taking a shower in a bathroom with a window.
  2. If the thermal insulation of the external wall does not meet regulatory requirements.
  3. Provided that the old heating devices are not designed to heat the additional volume of the connected room.
  4. In case of obvious violations of the technological map during insulation of a balcony or loggia, until the defect is completely corrected.
  5. In the case when the installed double-glazed windows have insufficient resistance to heat transfer from the enclosing structure.
  6. If new insulated windows are not equipped with movable sashes, that is, they are made in a solid design.

In these situations, professionals advise installing sophisticated exhaust and supply ventilation in the space with an integrated air dehumidification system and performing routine maintenance on translucent components.

Expanding living space and enhancing comfort is often achieved by insulating balconies and loggias. But after adding insulation, a lot of people discover that their windows begin to sweat. This occurs because there is a noticeable temperature differential between the inside and the outside due to the new, warmer interior environment. Foggy windows are caused by condensation that forms when warm, humid air from within the space comes into contact with cold window glass.

In order to solve this issue, proper ventilation is essential. Without it, there will be more condensation because the interior’s humidity levels will stay high. Effective management of moisture levels can be achieved by installing vents or using dehumidifiers. In order to prevent cold spots, it’s also critical to make sure the insulation is installed correctly, with no gaps or thermal bridges.

Selecting the appropriate kind of windows is also very important. The internal glass surface of double-glazed windows featuring a thermal break can be kept warmer, which helps lessen condensation. Maintaining and inspecting window seals on a regular basis can help reduce the chance of condensation and stop drafts.

In conclusion, even though covering balconies and loggias with insulation has many advantages, window sweating must be taken into consideration. You can have a more comfortable and moisture-free living space by making sure that there is enough ventilation, selecting the right windows, and maintaining good insulation practices.

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Milan Yashina

Design engineer, specialist in development of design documentation. I will help you correctly design your home or other building.

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