Rules for painting walls with multi-colored stripes: instructions and photos of the finished work

A room can be made from ordinary to extraordinary by painting the walls in multicolored stripes. This adds depth, personality, and a distinctive visual appeal. The skill of multicolored stripes takes careful planning and execution, whether your goal is to modernize a living room or create a playful atmosphere in a child’s bedroom.

To get amazing results, it’s imperative to know the fundamentals before picking up a paintbrush. Start by deciding on a color palette that goes well with the style and atmosphere you want for your space. For a bold statement, try contrasting hues or colors in the same family. Remember that while darker tones add coziness, lighter hues can give the impression of space.

For a perfect finish, preparation is essential. To guarantee a smooth paint application, start by giving the walls a thorough cleaning and priming. Using a painter’s tape and level, mark the location of each stripe. For the lines to be straight and even, this step is essential. Try out various stripe widths to determine the ideal proportions for your area.

When it comes time to paint, begin with the lightest color and proceed methodically from top to bottom. Using a steady hand, carefully apply each stripe, and remove the painter’s tape while the paint is still slightly wet to avoid peeling. Before adding the next color to a stripe, let it dry completely to prevent smudging or blending.

After painting and drying your stripes, take a step back and admire your creation. Multicolored stripes can give any space a sense of movement and dimension, which enlarges and intensifies the space. To fully appreciate the finished product, take pictures of it in various lighting and angle configurations.

How to make a "striped" finish?

Finishing walls in stripes, either vertical or horizontal, serves multiple purposes when decorating a classic interior. The room appears more modern due to the subtle diluting of the created romanticism. Lines can create a rigid atmosphere by highlighting the sophistication of the furniture or decor.

It suffices to create a tiny portion of a metallized ring to increase the effect of the basic shade rather than using contrasting colors that will be released against the overall background.

Narrow lines and broad background stripes alternate in Provence and Classic. Equal-width or wider sections of stripes with a metallic reflection look great in many modern interior designs.

It is advised by designers that you follow these guidelines when selecting the styles and widths of stripes:

  1. Applied curves or insufficiently neat stripes even invisible flaws of the surface are emphasized.
  2. If the lines are very narrow, often located, it will not be possible to get the effect of a “striped” interior, since such a finish simply merges into one tone.
  3. Contrasting horizontal stripes visually lower the ceiling and expand the space, while vertical ones will create the illusion of high rooms.
  4. Wide lines “compress” the geometry of the room, and narrow ones make it visually wider.

It is not possible to complete this design on every wall in the room, but it can be achieved by applying wide stripes. It’s important to remember that contrasting colors may not always allow you to select different furniture or design elements down the road.

The width of the stripes determines the primary style’s color: wide stripes convey solidity, while narrow stripes convey romance. Every room in an apartment, including the kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom, and toilet, can be decorated with striped wall paint.

How to paint with vertical stripes?

Vertical stripe finishing technology necessitates a methodical approach, beginning with color selection, makeshift support tools, and inventory management. They are carried out in multiple stages to guarantee that every task is completed accurately and without errors:

  1. Planning. The most crucial moment requires careful calculation of the width of the stripes, the number of colors, and the choice of a combination of shades. What you can choose: a contrasting pair of colors, paints in the same spectrum, but of different saturation and warmth, glossy and matte coatings, the main one with a metallic color scheme. To select the optimal width of the strips, you need to calculate the perimeter of the room and divide by the number of strips of the selected thickness. If an integer does not work, then select other line parameters or reduce, for example, in the corners the thickness of some of them to adjust the drawing.
  2. Painting with a base shade. The walls must be prepared and primed. If the layer is darker in color, you can apply a white compound and wait until it dries completely before applying the base. The rule for choosing the main shade should be taken into account: preference is given to matte paints and the lightest shades. Before applying stripes of a different tone, it is necessary to wait until the base coat is completely dry. Manufacturers indicate the conditions and time of film hardening on the packaging of the materials.
  3. Measuring the walls, applying markings. For this, you will need a regular level with an alcohol capsule or a plumb line for several notches vertically. It is convenient to take measurements with a long construction tape measure, applying marks with chalk or a simple pencil. It is not necessary to draw the boundaries along their entire length – masking tape or stencils themselves can lie flat. But you need to control this with a level.
  4. Gluing masking tape along the boundaries of the markings. The purpose of this material is to protect the surface from paint. It is necessary to cover the stripes with the base background color along the drawn lines. If the markings were applied with a pencil, then they should be painted over and made to protrude beyond the border of the tape, if with chalk – erase with a dry cloth before finishing. It is necessary to protect the line connecting the ceiling and floor to the wall by gluing a layer of tape around the perimeter of the room. For better adhesion of the material to the surface, it must be carefully ironed with a special trowel or plastic card.
  5. Painting process. The tool is selected depending on the width of the lines. A roller is suitable for working with wide stripes, and narrow ones only require finishing with a brush. It is necessary to paint each strip very carefully, without fear of stepping on the surface of the masking tape – this will protect against unpainted areas. The order of applying strokes is from top to bottom.
  6. Removing masking tape. If another layer is not planned, then you can remove the tape immediately after finishing the room. Removing from dried paint will lead to peeling of the coating in some places. Movements should be smooth and slow, so as not to spoil the border.

To guarantee evenness of the stripes with distinct boundaries, all instructions must be strictly followed.

Combination of different colors

The technology used is the same as for vertical painting when stripes of different colors alternate with the base shade. The following guidelines must be followed when painting if the colored stripes come into contact with one another:

  1. Coating the entire surface of the room walls with paint and varnish material of the base shade, drying it.
  2. Gluing masking tape along the applied markings so that the canvas covers the desired areas – stripes of a different color and the base tone.
  3. Painting with a second shade, removing masking tape, maintaining the drying time of this layer.
  4. Covering with masking tape the base and applied shade along their outer edges. Applying a third color, removing tape. It is necessary to wait until the last layer is completely dry.
  5. If more than 3 colors are used, then the operations are repeated according to the given scheme.

Application of color stripes should be done as the color’s darkness and saturation rise.


View the pictures of colorful stripes painted on walls.

Why do streaks remain after a brush or roller??

This phenomenon appears as non-disappearing vertical or horizontal brush or roller marks that persist after the paint composition overlaps has been applied. There are various reasons why certain areas appear to have a darker or richer tone than others:

  • at the time of applying the paint and varnish material, a high temperature was maintained inside the room, and a lower temperature was maintained to dry the coating;
  • a layer of primer was not applied to the wall before painting or was applied incorrectly; paint was applied to a raw base;
  • It was not possible to preserve the “wet edge” during painting, and in some places the composition was covered with a large number of layers.

Since addressing this issue is more difficult than preventing it, it is best to approach surface preparation with caution and follow paint application guidelines.

How to paint perfectly with a roller?

Applying paint with a roller is simpler than using a brush or brush and brush, which leave the applied paint composition with dense, smooth edges.

The tool’s working area’s soft texture helps to achieve a uniform distribution of the paint layer. Factors that directly impact the painting’s outcome:

  1. Wall preparation, priming. A lot depends on the evenness of the surface and its structure. Any specks of dirt or dust can ruin the effect of even expensive or unpretentious paints. Therefore, the wall must be leveled with gypsum putty, rubbed with a float, primed and dried for 12 hours. Only after this can you start applying paint. Read here about how to putty and paint walls evenly.
  2. Choosing the type of roller coat. There are many options for this tool, including textured ones, attachments made of different materials. Tools with a pile of 0.6 cm to 3 cm are needed for painting.
  3. The first category (0.6–1 cm) is used for finishing smooth, dense walls.
  4. The second (1.3-1.5 cm) – for color coating of structural wallpaper, putty or painting.
  5. The third (1.9-3 cm) – for working with surfaces of increased roughness, for example, structural plaster, concrete or brickwork.

The material of the roller nozzle must be selected based on the type of paint composition. Instruments made of foam, fur, silicone, rubberized materials, and even metal exist.

Selecting the coat’s width and structure when using a roller for a particular kind of paint is crucial. To avoid disrupting the process when covering large spaces, it is best to purchase multiple at once.

This post will walk you through painting multicolored stripes on walls step-by-step. It includes detailed instructions and pictures of completed projects. We cover all the bases, from paint color selection to measuring and taping off stripes, to ensure your home looks amazing and professionally done. Our comprehensive instructions and illustrated examples will motivate and assist you in mastering this imaginative and fulfilling painting technique, regardless of whether you’re a do-it-yourself enthusiast or a homeowner wishing to update your living area.

How to fix sagging on an already painted surface?

It will require a great deal of time and work to remove any stripes that may have appeared on the wall. The most important thing is to work very carefully to avoid damaging the applied "striped" pattern’s edges. Errors will be harder to correct.

The coating needs to dry completely. It is preferable to reapply a coat of finishing putty and begin painting if the flaws are extremely noticeable. These phenomena usually happen in hot, dry rooms, so you should maintain an appropriate microclimate when painting by installing a humidifier and lowering the temperature to 16–22 °C.

Ventilation is not a useful method of temperature equalization because drafts cause the coating to dry unevenly and cause stains to appear on painted surfaces.

A "live" roller, which keeps some of the composition in the fur coat’s structure, must be used to apply each layer. It is harder to get uniform coverage if you squeeze it out to the maximum. To even out the consistency, dilute the coloring material with no more than 10% water or solvent. Only the dried layer needs to have stripes applied or another coat applied.

The uniform color of the finish is attained because of the "wet edge" technique, which applies each successive wet stroke to the preceding wet stroke while preserving the coating’s consistency and structure.

Stylish "striped" walls are simple to create, following fundamental composition application methods and paint and varnish application guidelines. Such interior embellishment will alter the geometry and give the design a unique feel. However, keep in mind that you should only use three primary colors and maintain proportion; otherwise, the space will seem out of control or like a circus arena.

A room can be made from ordinary to extraordinary by painting multicolored stripes on the walls. You can get amazing results that add vibrant personality to your space by adhering to a few easy rules.

To start, planning is essential. Before you start, make sure your walls are dry, clean, and smooth. After using spackling compound to plug any holes or cracks, sand the area smooth. Use a primer to provide a smooth surface on which your paint colors will adhere uniformly.

Next, it’s critical to plan your stripes. Using a painter’s tape and level, mark the location of each stripe. This guarantees even and straight lines. Before settling on your final design, experiment on paper or in digital editing with various widths and colors.

When painting, begin with the lightest color and work your way towards the darkest shade. Apply each color inside the marked-off areas with a tiny roller or brush for accuracy. To reveal neat, clean lines, let each color dry completely before removing the tape.

Take a final bow and enjoy the work you’ve done! Multicolored stripes can give any space whimsy, depth, and dimension. Take pictures to commemorate your accomplishment and show off your artistic abilities to others. You can confidently turn your walls into a work of art by following these guidelines.

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Milan Yashina

Design engineer, specialist in development of design documentation. I will help you correctly design your home or other building.

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