Why windows on balconies and loggias sweat: what to do and how to get rid of condensation?

Homeowners frequently deal with condensation on windows in balconies and loggias, particularly in the winter. It happens when the room’s warm, humid air reacts with the window glass’s colder surface. This results in what is known as window sweating—the moisture in the air condensing into water droplets on the window.

There are multiple factors involved in this phenomenon. As dampness builds up indoors due to stagnant air, inadequate ventilation is frequently the main offender. Furthermore, the issue may be made worse by variations in indoor and outdoor temperatures, which can increase condensation during temperature swings.

To effectively address the issue of window condensation, it is imperative to comprehend its causes. Temperature differences caused by inadequate insulation around windows can facilitate the formation of condensation. Similarly, even though they save energy, tightly sealed windows can retain moisture indoors if they aren’t adequately ventilated.

There are a few doable actions that can be taken to lessen condensation on windows. By periodically opening windows, you can improve ventilation and lower the amount of moisture inside your home. This is especially beneficial after activities that produce moisture, like cooking or taking a shower. Another way to lessen the accumulation of humidity in bathrooms and kitchens is to install exhaust fans.

Using moisture-absorbing materials near windows that are prone to condensation, like silica gel or desiccants based on calcium chloride, is another successful tactic. By absorbing extra moisture from the air, these materials lessen the chance that condensation will build up on window surfaces.

Finally, maintaining constant interior temperatures can be aided by making sure windows are properly sealed and insulated, which will reduce the likelihood of condensation. Another defense against temperature variations that can lessen the chance of window sweating is the use of insulating blinds or curtains.

Problem Solution
Condensation on windows Improve ventilation by opening windows regularly.
Poor insulation Consider installing double or triple-glazed windows.
High humidity indoors Use dehumidifiers or improve air circulation.

What causes them to fog up??

There are several objective reasons why condensation forms on the inside of the glass of window structures on balconies and loggias:

  • Temperature difference between indoor and outdoor air, for example, when opening a balcony door in winter.
  • Poor quality insulation of the loggia space when connecting it to a living room or kitchen, lack of an additional heating device.
  • Replacing single-glazed windows with single-chamber or double-glazed windows without insulating adjacent structures. Experts warn that the installation of sealed double-glazed windows and shutters tightly adjacent to the frame profiles when glazing a balcony, without carrying out the necessary engineering measures, negatively affects the condition of all finishing details of a cold room due to fogging of translucent elements.
  • Increased humidity on the balcony, for example, when drying clothes.
  • Stagnation of air in a cold space, in the absence of ventilation in the summer, or during heavy rains.
  • The human factor is the device of temporary heating of a cold circuit in severe frost, which contributes to a sharp increase in temperature difference.
  • Organization of a greenhouse or winter garden without taking appropriate engineering measures to ensure the required air exchange rate.

The methodology for future work depends on determining the applicability of each of the listed causes of condensation on balconies, verandas, terraces, and loggias before implementing any operational measures to remove the cause.

The importance of correctly identifying the cause

For the following reasons, identifying the actual cause of condensation on glazed balconies or loggias is a crucial analytical step:

  • The possibility of developing a set of measures to eliminate the cause of fogging of window units.
  • Selecting the right materials and means for effective condensation removal.
  • Preventing deterioration of view characteristics through a translucent structure.
  • Reduces the risk of mold, mildew and bacterial growth.
  • Timely prevention of wetting of double-glazed window profiles, slopes or window sill boards, which is especially important when finishing the interior space with clapboard or other natural materials.
  • Reducing the level of humidity in the room, which negatively affects the comfortable and safe operation of the cold circuit.
  • Possibility of arranging supply ventilation to normalize air exchange.

Repair work might not produce the intended outcome or might make the issue worse if the analysis is flawed and the erroneous cause of the defect is found.

Is it possible to solve the problem?

The majority of the time, fogging the cold circuit room is a simple DIY fix:

  • Organization of the supply valve on the profile of the window unit.
  • Regular ventilation of the room.
  • Limiting access to the balcony in winter.
  • The use of special organic or synthetic products to cover the translucent element. Electric heating device of the window block on the balcony.

The aforementioned events can typically be completed without the assistance of outside experts because they don’t call for the use of specialized technology or higher levels of expertise from the master.

When it is impossible without radical measures?

In certain situations, you are unable to resolve the issue with straightforward repairs or extra insulation or sealing because drastic measures must be taken:

  • Lack of swing or sliding wings on glazing a cold circuit. Blind window structures eliminate the possibility of rapid ventilation of the space being used, which leads to air stagnation. In such situations, it is necessary to dispose of old double-glazed windows and install movable sashes using appropriate fittings.
  • Rotting or destruction of part of the walls, lintels, sill blocks due to excessive humidity.
  • Incorrect installation of window frames (misalignment, destruction of anchor elements).
  • Constant freezing of window blocks due to a crack in the glass, a violation of the geometry or structure of the wooden profile.
  • The need to connect the loggia to the total volume of the heated space.

It is advised to work with an officially registered company that offers a long-term guarantee on the outcome when restoring an opening or reinstalling a window unit on a balcony or loggia.

Methods for dealing with moisture

In actuality, a variety of experts employ various techniques to fight condensation on loggias and balconies. The following provides a detailed description of the most popular techniques for removing the cause of foggy windows:

  1. Indirect methods:
  2. Coating the translucent element with soap and then rubbing the substance on the glass.
  3. Glass treatment with shaving foam.
  4. Preparation of a solution of turpentine, glycerin and liquid soap.
  5. Applying and rubbing glycerin or toothpaste over the plane of the translucent element.
  6. Purchasing anti-condensation chemicals for car windows and using them according to instructions.
  7. Sealing window blocks for the winter.
  8. Restricting access to the balcony at temperatures below zero.
  9. Frequent ventilation of rooms, installation of a slotted valve on the seal of the flap with automatic adjustment to ensure inflow.
  10. Installing a fan on the balcony when drying clothes, or when placing indoor plants.
  11. Replacing sealing tapes, adjusting fittings. If there are locking trunnions, they can be switched to winter or summer mode, which changes the clamping force and, as a result, the amount of supply air.
  12. Radical methods:
  13. Replacing window units with energy-efficient designs.
  14. Removing mold from slopes, installing new finishing materials with effective insulation.
  15. Replacing window sill boards.
  16. Releasing the installation joint and refilling it with high quality foam and sealing agents.
  17. Installing a heating device on the balcony.
  18. Arrangement of centralized supply and exhaust ventilation with mechanical drive.

It is advisable to thoroughly examine the composition of chemical reagents before purchasing them, as it is unacceptable to have toxins that can adversely affect the human respiratory tract when they evaporate.

In winter

The glazing of a cold circuit typically starts to sweat in the winter. To solve this issue, experts advise carrying out the following tasks:

  • Restricting access to the balcony.
  • Preventing the penetration of warm air.
  • Organization of micro-ventilation through a flap with a mechanical lock, installation of a supply valve.
  • Installation of a glass heating system with connection to electricity – along the contour of the frame profile, or with the replacement of the translucent element itself.
  • Installation of additional energy-saving film on top of the glass from the room side.
  • Framing slopes with waterproof materials.
  • Installing a dehumidifier on a loggia or balcony to collect excess moisture and normalize the condition of indoor air.

Condensation in any case indicates inadequate insulation of the surrounding structures, especially the translucent block, if the cold circuit was previously insulated and connected to a shared heated space.

Possible difficulties and errors

Beginners often make a number of mistakes when performing technological operations to stop condensation from forming on the inner edge of the translucent elements of the cold circuit. To avoid this, experts advise taking the following actions:

  • Installation of double-glazed windows on loggias or balconies. The same applies to terraces, verandas, porches and other cold rooms. With a completely sealed space of an unheated room, the slightest change in the temperature and humidity conditions will lead to fogging of almost all materials with a high level of thermal conductivity.
  • Absence of movable sashes. Considering that, as a rule, exhaust or supply ventilation is not provided in cold rooms, with rare use of the space, the air can stagnate, which leads to condensation. When glazing a balcony, movable elements are necessarily provided.
  • Using a balcony for growing flowers, drying clothes or other purposes, which entails a change in the temperature and humidity conditions. In such situations, it is necessary to provide ventilation, air conditioning or dehumidification, or periodically ventilate the room.
  • Constant cooling of the room in winter, by opening the balcony door – moist heated air enters the cold space, where it instantly condenses on the glass.
  • Insulation of the cold circuit, replacement of double-glazed windows, but without installing a heating device. External walls with effective insulating materials only allow you to retain thermal energy in the room, but a convector or air heater on a balcony or loggia must be installed.

Window units installed on a balcony, terrace, veranda, or loggia can be used for at least the length of time specified by the manufacturer in the quality certificate, which is typically between 25 and 30 years, as long as all recommendations are followed.

Why is it necessary to get rid of condensation??

For the following reasons, it is crucial to resolve the condensation issue on balconies or loggias in order to ensure the premises are safe and comfortable:

  • Reducing the risk of window blocks freezing with further destruction of the profile, seals or glass.
  • Eliminating the problem of the formation and development of mold and mildew, which causes the destruction of wooden frames, as well as the development of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Minimizing the risk of destruction of adjacent structures – slopes, partitions, window sill blocks with constant ingress of water.
  • Possibility of changing the functional purpose of the room while ensuring proper temperature and humidity conditions.

Preventive maintenance on window structures, which can help extend the life of translucent elements and save significant costs for major repairs, is the best course of action. It should be performed 1-2 times a year.

Consequences if not corrected

Neglecting the issue of condensation on cold circuit glazing in apartments or other private residential buildings may result in the following unfavorable outcomes:

  • Mold development on all adjacent structures adjacent to the glazing elements of the cold circuit.
  • Reduced visual characteristics of a translucent element.
  • Limiting the penetration of sunlight into the balcony or loggia.
  • Risk of destruction of slopes made of plaster with painting.
  • Rotting of wooden finishing materials.
  • The occurrence of unpleasant odors in the room. Increased humidity in the balcony space, which leads to wear and tear of almost all finishing parts.
  • Impossibility of normal comfortable operation of the premises of a loggia, balcony, veranda or terrace.
  • Freezing of window blocks after moisture gets into the cracks, which can cause bursting forces and the formation of cracks.

The primary issue is the defect’s slow progression, which could eventually necessitate replacing the window unit assembly entirely while partially restoring nearby building structures.

Although dealing with sweating windows on loggias and balconies can be annoying, knowing the causes and taking the necessary action can help lessen this frequent problem. When warm, humid air comes into contact with cold surfaces, such as window glass, condensation forms and water droplets appear. This frequently occurs in the winter months when temperature differences between the inside and outside are caused by indoor heating.

Improving ventilation is essential to lowering condensation. Make sure air bricks or vents are unobstructed and provide enough ventilation. By allowing moist air to escape and fresh air to circulate, opening windows—even just a small crack—on a regular basis can also help balance the humidity levels inside.

Additionally, think about installing a dehumidifier, particularly in bathrooms and kitchens that are known for having high humidity levels. By removing extra moisture from the air, these gadgets lessen the chance that condensation will build up on windows and other surfaces.

Insulating windows and frames is another practical tactic to reduce temperature fluctuations. Weather stripping and secondary glazing, which provide a shield against chilly outdoor air and keep window surfaces warmer, can be used to achieve this.

Finally, think about making an investment in energy-efficient windows with cutting-edge glazing technologies for long-term prevention. Because of the way these windows are made, less heat is transferred, which keeps interior surfaces warmer and prevents condensation.

Sweating windows on balconies and loggias can be greatly reduced or eliminated by following these doable steps, making your home more comfortable and healthy all year round.

How can condensation be removed from windows on balconies and loggias, and why do they sweat? This article examines common causes of condensation accumulation on windows, including variations in indoor and outdoor humidity and temperature. It offers helpful advice on how to lessen condensation, such as utilizing dehumidifiers, increasing ventilation, and thinking about window treatments that control indoor moisture. Homeowners can successfully manage condensation problems and maintain the comfort and integrity of their living spaces by being aware of these factors and adopting preventative measures.

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Milan Yashina

Design engineer, specialist in development of design documentation. I will help you correctly design your home or other building.

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