Organizing the production of polystyrene concrete – how to create building blocks with your own hands?

Construction projects require a variety of building materials, and polystyrene concrete has become more and more well-liked due to its insulating qualities and lightweight nature. A workable solution to improve your building’s thermal efficiency and save construction costs could be to make concrete blocks made of polystyrene. Expanded polystyrene beads, cement, sand, and water are combined to create these blocks, which are a strong, lightweight material that can be used for a variety of construction projects.

Getting the required supplies and machinery together is the first step in planning the manufacturing of polystyrene concrete blocks. Expanded polystyrene beads, the lightweight aggregate that gives polystyrene concrete its insulating qualities, are required, along with cement, sand, water, and other materials. To get the right density and strength for the blocks, a precise ratio of these ingredients must be combined. To guarantee consistency in block dimensions and quality, specialized machinery is used, such as mixers and molds.

Although simple in nature, the production process demands close attention to detail. First, a uniform consistency is achieved by thoroughly mixing the cement, sand, and water. The expanded polystyrene beads are then added to the mixture, making sure they are dispersed equally. After that, this mixture is poured into molds of the appropriate sizes and shapes. The blocks are poured and then allowed to cure and harden, which can take a few days, depending on the thickness of the block and the surrounding conditions.

Beyond its insulating qualities, making concrete blocks made of polystyrene has several other benefits. As opposed to conventional concrete blocks, these blocks are lightweight, which facilitates their handling and transportation on the job site. Their ability to regulate interior temperature helps lower the amount of energy needed for heating and cooling. Furthermore, polystyrene concrete blocks offer flexibility in design and construction and are adaptable enough to be used in a wide range of construction projects, from residential to commercial.

Ingredients for cooking

To acquire concrete blocks made of polystyrene, you need:

  • Portland cement grade M400-500;
  • washed river fine-grained quartz sand;
  • clean water, preferably from the main water supply;
  • foamed polystyrene foam granules that are not connected to each other or large crumbs from ground polystyrene foam.

The initial ingredients are combined in a mixer and then poured into forms (formwork) that have been internally pre-lubricated.

An emulsion of stearin (paraffin) and diesel fuel (kerosene) in a ratio of 15:1 is typically used for lubrication.

The number of polystyrene foam granules in relation to cement, which ranges from 3 to 8 from the volume of cement, determines the mass, density, and strength of the blocks. Sand and cement are mixed in a ratio of 1 to 3.

To improve the workability, water resistance, and frost resistance of polystyrene concrete, waterproofing agents, or plasticizing additives, can be added to the liquid composition during mixing at a rate of 1% to 3% of the volume.

Tools and equipment

Required for the job:

  • shovel;
  • hammer-pick;
  • roulette;
  • construction square;
  • mason"s trowel (trowel);
  • spatulas of different widths;
  • paint brushes or flange brushes for applying a release agent to the formwork;
  • scales;
  • measuring utensils – buckets and other containers of a given volume;
  • electric concrete mixer of drum or auger type with a volume of 100 to 300 liters;
  • electric winch or hoist for supplying concrete during pouring;
  • steam generator for foaming polystyrene granules;
  • mixer grinder for recycling foam waste;
  • To better compact the mixture, sometimes a vibrating table is organized, for which the work place is covered with tin and a vibrating mace or vibrating lath is attached to it.

If vibration compaction is not used, the final product might be loose and have undeveloped areas in the corners of the forms or formworks.

This material contains more information about the tools required to make polystyrene concrete blocks.

Forms and formwork

Products’ forms, also known as formwork, are composed of waterproof particle boards, plywood, sheet plastic, or metal with stiffeners in individual (for each block) or cassette (for multiple blocks to be produced at once) designs.

Clamps, bolts, and studs with nuts are used to make the formwork easily dismountable, which simplifies the forming process.

Inventory inserts can be added to molds as needed to create one or more voids or cavities that lower the product’s volumetric weight. It might be necessary to use inserts with a different arrangement for molding corners, extra products, and butt edges with unique opening cutouts, also known as quarters.

Organization and placement of manual production

Adjacent to the construction site is the production site, which has electricity and water supply connected to it. A thin awning shields the production and storage area from outside influences.

When the minimum daily temperature starts to rise above 5 °C, work should start so that the blocks will reach their design strength by the time they are laid.

Home making process

Let’s examine the production process of polystyrene concrete blocks in more detail.

Using improvised means

Making polystyrene wall blocks by hand is the simplest method. It might include the following series of events:

  1. Procurement and delivery of materials and ingredients, including foamed polystyrene granules.
  2. Making shapes (formwork) from boards or plywood. If there are several formwork, you need to ensure that the blocks cast in it have close sizes, you also need to monitor the parallel and perpendicularity of the walls.
  3. Making a convenient desktop.
  4. Connecting concrete mixers. Manual mixing of the solution with shovels will only be made for the construction of secondary buildings – garage, shed, chicken coop, bathhouse.
  5. Lubrication of formwork inside paraffin-curosin emulsion.
  6. Preparation of liquid polystyrene concrete solution in the proportion of the components of the strength, density, frost resistance, water permeability and laying it into the formwork necessary for a particular class of strength, density, density.
  7. The densification of the solution (the easiest way to do this is at least 10-15 times raising the shape of the desktop and sharply dropping with a knock on its surface).
  8. Transfer of form to a temporary storage place for leaving and the initial set of strength.
  9. After a week, the mold can be disassembled and prepared for the next cycle of use, and the block can be transferred to a permanent warehouse for a 3-week development of design strength and subsequent use.

On special equipment

These pieces of equipment are usually bought or rented. Here, the labor of skilled laborers and an invited technologist-consultant is employed, who follows specific guidelines and technology blueprints created specifically for this kind of mechanism.

Possible difficulties and errors

Because the process is straightforward, serious problems are unlikely to occur if everything is done with attention and diligence.

The control over geometric dimensions is the most critical factor.

Together with the precision of adhering to the procedure for making the first liquid solution in order to guarantee the necessary qualities and attributes of polystyrene concrete.

Advantages and disadvantages

Good attributes consist of:

  • Production speed.
  • Excellent physical properties and ability to withstand all-season weather conditions.
  • Environmental friendliness of both initial components and finished products.
  • The large size of the blocks reduces the time for laying walls.
  • Reducing the volume of excavation work during construction, since masonry from light blocks significantly reduces the load on the foundation and allows you to narrow the width of its base.
  • Frost resistance.
  • Low water absorption.
  • Excellent waterproofing and noise protection properties.

To the negative:

  • The need for constant careful monitoring of compliance with geometric dimensions.
  • Deterioration of the formwork, making replacement necessary (costs for its depreciation and turnover).
  • Obtaining in mixers, usually intended for domestic use, a homogeneous mass with a given strength for the finished product.
  • Mandatory temporary care of finished blocks.
  • Difficulties in the absence of a heated room with the work of making blocks during the cold season, accompanied by negative temperatures.
  • The need to finish the front surface of the masonry – plaster, tiling with natural or artificial stone, cladding with metal or polymer stamped siding.
  • The need for a nearby plastics plant that sells granules for polystyrene foam. Otherwise, the costs of its delivery from other regions may be excessively high.

This post explains how to create polystyrene concrete blocks at home, which is a useful and affordable option for building projects. We’ll walk you through the process step-by-step of combining cement, other ingredients, and polystyrene beads, emphasizing the necessary tools and safety precautions. For a lightweight, insulating, and long-lasting alternative for a variety of building applications, polystyrene concrete blocks can be made by DIY enthusiasts or cost-conscious builders.

What is the cost price?

One of the most significant concerns of a land plot owner who wishes to begin producing polystyrene concrete blocks for constructing his home is this one.

The cost price of one meter three is approximately 4,300 rubles when we add up the unit prices for the component materials and parts.

One block with standard dimensions has a volume of 0.016 m^3. After figuring out the percentage for a single block, we find that it will cost roughly 65 rubles.

Creating polystyrene concrete blocks at home can be a fulfilling project for do-it-yourselfers who want to improve their building abilities. Polystyrene beads, cement, sand, and water can be mixed to create lightweight, insulating building blocks that work well for a variety of purposes.

To get the correct consistency, the ingredients must first be precisely measured and combined. Because polystyrene beads are added, which improve insulation qualities, each block is guaranteed to be robust but lightweight.

Concrete is mixed and then poured into molds that are the right size and shape. You can make these molds out of plastic, wood, or other easily obtained materials. Concrete must cure and set properly after pouring; this usually takes a few days, depending on the outside conditions.

Because polystyrene concrete blocks are lighter than traditional concrete, they are easier to handle and provide thermal insulation, among other benefits. They are perfect for projects where it is necessary to reduce weight without sacrificing strength, like garden walls, building extensions, or even small structures like garden sheds.

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Konstantin Zhukov

Gardener, landscape designer. I will help you create a beautiful and functional landscape design for your site.

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